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IBM Center for The Business of Government

Washington, D.C., United States

The Center applies scholarship to practice for decision-making at federal, state, local, and international levels.

Services Provided
The IBM Center for The Business of Government connects research to practice, applying scholarship to real-world issues and decisions for government. The Center stimulates research and facilitates discussion of new approaches to improving the effectiveness of government at the federal, state, local, and in ... see more

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Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.03
AI 30.05
Analytics 30.21
Big Data 30.14
Blockchain 30.07
Change Management
Coaching 30.25
COVID19 30.27
Creativity 30.95
Cryptocurrency 30.13
Design Thinking 30.18
Digital Transformation 30.05
Digital Twins 32.37
Emerging Technology
FinTech 30.05
Future of Work 30.02
GovTech 100
Health and Safety 30.79
HealthTech 30.02
Innovation 34.48
International Relations 30.44
IT Leadership 33.78
IT Operations 32.63
IT Strategy 33.51
Leadership 31.72
Management 30.64
National Security 33.83
Procurement 30.14
Risk Management 30.28
Security 31.14
Supply Chain 30.03

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IBM Center for The Business of Government

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