
The Long View: Why Organisations Must Anticipate the Future



In an ever-evolving business landscape characterized by rapid technological innovations and shifting consumer preferences, focusing solely on short-term goals is a recipe for obsolescence. The current fast-paced environment demands that organizations not only meet present-day objectives but also gaze into the future. Anticipating how markets and customer behaviours will change is crucial for long-term success. In this article, we explore the importance of long-range planning and present examples of companies that have either thrived or stumbled due to their lack of vision.

The Downside of Short-Termism

The Fall of Blockbuster

One of the most cited cases of corporate nearsightedness is Blockbuster Video. Dominating the video rental market in its heyday, Blockbuster failed to foresee the rise of online streaming services. While Netflix transitioned from a DVD rental service to an online streaming platform, Blockbuster remained fixated on its existing business model. This myopia led to its eventual downfall, providing a cautionary tale for businesses everywhere.

Kodak’s Missed Opportunity

Kodak, once a leader in the photographic film industry, faced a similar fate. Despite creating the first digital camera, the company hesitated to transition from its profitable film business to the new digital frontier. This failure to adapt allowed competitors like Sony and Canon to capture the market, leaving Kodak in the dust.

The Power of Long-Term Planning

Amazon: A Story of Vision

Amazon is the epitome of long-term planning and foresight. What started as a simple online bookstore under the leadership of Jeff Bezos has transformed into a multi-industry giant. Amazon invested in infrastructure and diversified its portfolio, always with an eye on future trends. Its growth in areas like cloud computing and digital streaming demonstrates the value of visionary planning.

Tesla: Charging Ahead

Tesla, under Elon Musk, presents another compelling case. The company was not content merely to produce electric vehicles; it aimed to revolutionize the way we think about transportation altogether. By investing in charging infrastructure and battery technology well before many competitors even entered the field, Tesla has secured a vanguard position in the automotive industry.

Steps to Foster Forward-Looking Strategies

  1. Scenario Analysis: Utilize data analytics to simulate potential future conditions and formulate responsive strategies.

  2. Strategic Alignment: Ensure immediate goals are consistent with a larger, long-term vision.

  3. Innovation Investment: Prioritize R&D as an integral part of your growth strategy, not merely as a cost centre.

  4. Market Sensing: Regularly collect and analyze market and customer data to remain agile and responsive to emerging trends.

  5. Leadership Training: Conduct workshops focusing on long-term thinking and effective strategizing for the future.


While short-term achievements are crucial for meeting current business needs, they should be part of a more extensive, future-oriented strategy. Ignoring the long-term is not an option if organizations wish to stay competitive and relevant. By proactively planning for the future, companies can navigate change, seize opportunities, and secure a lasting place in the market.

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By Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Keywords: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

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