
The Corix Partners Friday Reading List — August 4, 2023


Top 10 Leadership and Management links of the week, curated by Corix Partners Founder and CEO JC Gaillard, focusing on cyber security of course, but also a large cross section of subjects including digital transformation, emerging tech, ESG governance and the future of work


The Cybersecurity Numbers Game is a Dangerous One for CISOs


Corporate boards take heed: Give CISOs the cold shoulder at your peril


Winning Budget and Trust as a CISO


A critical cybersecurity backup plan that too many companies are ignoring


The SEC Announces Final Cybersecurity Rules: What the C-Suite Needs To Know and Do


The 4 Keys to Building Cloud Security Programs That Can Actually Shift Left


How generative AI impacts your digital transformation priorities


How bold is your business transformation? A new way to measure progress


A manager’s guide to leading purpose-driven organizations


Even OpenAI has given up trying to detect ChatGPT plagiarism


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Corix Partners is a Boutique Management Consultancy Firm and Thought-Leadership Platform, focused on assisting CIOs and other C-level executives in resolving Cyber Security Strategy, Organisation & Governance challenges.

By Jean-Christophe Gaillard

Keywords: Cybersecurity, Management, Leadership

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