
SpaceX and Others Migrating to IPv6 after creation in 1995


Network Infrastructure Professionals everywhere groan about the IPv4 and IPv6 issue; why, though? I believe it is a resistance to change, as the learning curve exists to bring the world from the initial Internet Protocol structure of the 4-digit IP. Well, a 128 bit IP address offers a set of improvements that I will go through quickly.

Protection against foreign actors or APT groups, the encryption offers further protection, although I am not sure that is the case with Quantum Computers in the mix.

Ensuring Data traffic is not altered in any way, and network integrity is increased. 

Device Authenticity would be my number one and is offered with IPv6 to a much greater extent as it is harder to mimic the encryption.

IP address spoofing, where attackers forge IP addresses to deceive or bypass security controls, is thus far controlled with the further encryption in IPv6.

Encrypted IPv6 addresses offer privacy and can help protect user privacy by hiding traffic and yet more in-depth monitoring.

Thus, yes, the initial learning curve will be slight, but in comparison to the protection afforded, why have we waited 28 years? Thankfully iOT has been popularized and. the need for the number of addresses provided with the protocol has become needed. 

By Aaron Lax

Keywords: Cybersecurity, IoT, Security

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