
From Space to Earth: Satellite Tech's Role in Sustainable Supply Chains


In the ever-evolving world of technology, it's easy to be dazzled by the latest gadgets and innovations. But sometimes, it's the overlooked tools, the silent movers and shakers, that truly make a world of difference. Case in point? Satellite data. On a recent episode of the Digital Supply Chain podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing with Sven Przywarra, Co-CEO of LiveEO, the game-changing impact of satellite data on our planet, particularly in the context of reducing deforestation.

Deforestation is a pressing concern. As Przywarra pointed out, forests are being cleared at an alarming rate, primarily for agricultural commodities. This not only disrupts the balance of our environment but severely affects global supply chains. The European Union (EU), acknowledging this issue, recently introduced its Deforestation Regulation. This piece of legislation has the potential to be as transformative as GDPR, pushing for global compliance, even if you're outside the EU. Simply put, if you're doing business with or within the EU, this regulation will be on your radar, regardless of your business size or location.

Enter LiveEO. This company is integrating satellite data with supply chain solutions. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they integrate directly, enhancing existing supply chain software by giving them a geospatial component. This satellite data helps businesses monitor and prove their deforestation-free status. And in today's age, where investors and consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, having this verification can be a significant boon for any business.

It's heartening to see companies take a proactive stance in supporting such environmental initiatives. Przywarra's insights made it clear that satellite data isn't just about mapping or navigation; it's a powerful tool that, when wielded correctly, can ensure the sustainability of our planet and the integrity of our supply chains. The sheer scalability and potential of this tool are astounding. Think about it: from initially focusing on infrastructure sectors to now pivoting towards a global cause like deforestation, satellite data has proven its versatility and impact.

In the episode, Przywarra highlighted that this is just the beginning. There's already talk of expanding the categories covered by the EU Deforestation Regulation, and companies globally will need to adapt. As for LiveEO, they have a vision of becoming a platform company, opening up their APIs for more innovations. It’s not just about ensuring business continuity; it’s about protecting our environment, our economy, and our future.

To sum it up, satellite data, is rapidly becoming an unsung hero in our fight against environmental degradation. It's a fusion of tech and sustainability that excites me, and I truly believe it's a pivotal step towards making the world a better place.

Ready to dive deeper into this fascinating topic? Check out the full episode on the Digital Supply Chain podcast to get the full scoop on the transformative power of satellite data. And if you’re as passionate about sustainability as I am, stay tuned for more insights and discussions. Because together, armed with knowledge and technology, we can indeed change the world.

Find out more about EU Deforestation Regulation.

Stay informed, stay inspired.

By Tom Raftery

Keywords: Analytics, Supply Chain, Sustainability

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