
Board Effectiveness vs. Compliance


A fully-facilitated board effectiveness solution can provide fresh insights and drive tangible outcomes year after year to achieve an effective board. This strategy is based on research and evidence-based principles, and a data-driven process is designed to provide you and your board with the insights needed to improve performance. The assessment is based on the Effective Boards framework, a proprietary research-based solution that provides a solid foundation for increasing the overall effectiveness of your board.

Individualized reports and feedback sessions for each board director, data-driven group working sessions tailored specifically for your board, and results and analysis presentations to help you understand key findings and focus areas for improvement are all part of the evaluation process. This process provides unprecedented data richness and ensures that each director has the plan to improve their performance and board career.

All board members will have secure access to a cloud-based board evaluation platform based on our proprietary research, which has been shown to produce positive results. Experienced consultants will conduct regular alignment sessions with key stakeholders and provide coaching tailored to the needs of your board directors.

The goal of this approach is not simply compliance but rather to provide you with insights and leadership expertise to help you create greater board effectiveness and overall performance. The methodology ensures maximum board member engagement and incorporates the most recent positive management science and psychology findings.

Finally, as a Board Chair, having a trusted partner who understands your challenges and can assist you in driving results is critical. A board effectiveness solution offers a data-driven, tailored approach that includes individualized reports and feedback sessions for each board director and a thorough evaluation of your board. The advisors will collaborate with you to identify areas for improvement and provide practical advice for success.

By James Hotaling

Keywords: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

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