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Dave Ulrich

Professor/advisor at RBL Group/University of Michigan

Alpine, United States

Ranked as the #1 management guru by Business Week, profiled by Fast Company as one of the world’s top 10 creative people in business, a top 5 coach in Forbes, and recognized on Thinkers50 as one of the world’s leading business thinkers, Dave Ulrich has a passion for ideas with impact. In his writing, teaching, and consulting, he continually seeks new ideas that tackle some of the world’s thorniest and longest standing challenges.

His bestselling books and popular speeches shape the corporate agenda. Dave has written 30 books and over 200 articles that have shaped three fields:

He has influenced thinking about organizations by defining organizations as bundles of
capabilities (Organization Capability) and worked to delineate capabilities of learning
(Learning Organization Capability), collaboration (Boundaryless Organization), talent management (Why of Work), and culture change (GE Workout).

He has articulated the basics of effective leadership (Leadership Code), connected leadership with customers (Leadership Brand), and synthesized ways to ensure that leadership aspirations turn into actions (Leadership Sustainability). Dave’s current work on Leadership Capital Index (published by Berrett Koehler in September 2015) creates a “Moody’s index” for leadership. This work examines leadership through the eyes of investors and helps realize the market value of leadership, thus bringing the fields of firm valuation and leadership together.

He has shaped the HR profession and been called the “father of modern HR” and “HR thought leader of the decade” by focusing on HR outcomes, governance, competencies, and practices (HR Champions; HR Value Added; HR Transformation; HR Competencies; HR Outside In). He spearheaded a “gift” book on the future of HR (The Rise of HR, distributed to over 1,000,000 HR professionals), in which 70 thought leaders freely share their insights.

Dave Ulrich Points
Academic 5
Author 957
Influencer 2172
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 20
Total 3154

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.04
Change Management 32.01
Culture 30.06
Digital Disruption 30.05
Entrepreneurship 30.07
Future of Work 30.02
HR 57.04
Innovation 30.13
Leadership 41.91
Management 57.68
Mental Health 30.05
Mergers and Acquisitions 30.15

Industry Experience


1 Academic Award
The RBL Group’s Dave Ulrich Inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame
November 01, 2017
We are pleased to announce that Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder & Partner of The Results Based Leadership (RBL) Group and Rensis Likert Professor of Business at the University of Michigan, has been inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame. Thinkers50, a globally respected organization that ranks and shares leading management thinkers, recognizes Dave and his fellow inductees as individuals who have made a lasting and vital impact on how organizations are led and managed.

Dave’s body of work includes co-authoring over 30 books and 200 articles which have shaped the fields of leadership to deliver results, of organization to build capabilities, and of human resources to create value. Dave has a passion for ideas with impact and in his writing, teaching, and consulting, he continually seeks new ideas that tackle some of the world’s thorniest and longest-standing challenges. He is considered the “Father of Modern HR’ and has been ranked as the “#1 Management Guru” by Business Week. He co-directs the Advanced HR Executive Program (AHREP) at the University of Michigan.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

31 Article/Blogs
What are New Expectations for First-Line Leaders?
January 30, 2025
Many first-line leaders are promoted to a leader/manager role based on their prior individual contributions or subject-matter expertise. They may be given a short introduction to management processes, but that minimal training is rarely enough to help new managers transition to developing and leading a team that consistently and successfully delivers on strategy.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Leadership Code 4.0: An Evidence-Based View of Effective Leadership
January 30, 2025
While many leadership attributes are timeless, we assert that in today’s complex world, leaders need to develop the right skills according to evidence-based research that identifies what leaders need to do to be effective today and in the future.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Building a Business Case for Leadership: Defining the WHY
December 04, 2024
We suggest that knowing the why—or starting with knowing what value investments hope to achieve—is as important as focusing on the how (leadership development programs). We encourage those that invest in developing better leaders to follow a six-step process that we call

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

4 Strategies to Help Your Organization Thrive in Ambiguous Times
September 06, 2024
As uncertainty continues in health, economic, political, and social realms, we continue to provide solutions that help our clients build human capability that delivers value. Though all organizations are different, these are the common tips that have helped businesses survive and thrive throughout uncertain times

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Value Creation as the Next Wave of the Change Agenda: Four Principles for Making Transformation Happen
March 19, 2024
Think back to when you started your career, how critical was “managing change” then? What did your mentors say about the importance of “managing change” when they began their career? More broadly, what have thought leaders said about change for generations?

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Personalizing the Employee Experience by Navigating Paradox
March 07, 2024
Caring for people in organizations is a timeless principle. When employees find purpose and meaning (believe), learn and grow (become), and feel respected and connected (belong), they have a better work experience. Employee experience is a lead indicator of the ability of an organization to reinvent strategy, serve customers, increase investor confidence, and build community reputation.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Why and How People Work: Generational Similarities and Differences to Tailor Work
August 23, 2022
Leading others is a subtle art. It requires connecting around common values to build mutual understanding while also appreciating differences to personalize a relationship. Effective business and HR leaders get the most out of those they lead by finding commonality about why people work and appreciating differences (like generations, gender, race, ethnicity, education, geography, age, body type, personality style, and so forth) about how people work to help employees achieve their full potential. The art of finding common values and unique behaviors can be illustrated by examining workforce generations.

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Tags: Management, HR, Education

Eleven Lessons from HR Professionals in Ukraine
June 14, 2022
HR work can be organized into four “human capability” categories (see figure 1). Drawing on exceptional curations of many colleagues (David Green [], Sian Harrington [], Mihaly Nagy [], Chris Rainey [], Tom Haak [], Debbie McGrath [], Josh Bersin [], David McLean []) as well as our work on the future of HR, we suggest eleven trends that are happening across the four categories. We will look at how innovations from recent experiences in Ukraine apply to each of those trends. That Ukraine has become an incubator of innovative HR fulfills Plato’s proposal, “necessity is the mother of invention,” as HR colleagues in Ukraine are reinventing HR to respond to the Russian invasion. The Ukrainian actions listed below come from what we learned in a webinar with over nine hundred registered Ukrainian HR professionals on May 31, 2022.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

How HR Can Become a “Humanitarian Response” Partner
March 22, 2022
The Russian assault on Ukraine has roused feelings of concern and a desire to help around the world. The unprecedented UN vote of 141 to 5 condemning Russian aggression shows the world’s unity about this horrific action. This invasion has created an enormous humanitarian crisis both within Ukraine and for the over 3 million (and counting) refugees fleeing their homes seeking safety.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

What is Required to Be More Effective in HR?
November 16, 2021
For over 35 years, with eight rounds of research from over 120,000 respondents, and in partnership with nineteen global HR Associations, Ross Executive Education at the University of Michigan and The RBL Group have explored how to be more effective in HR. In the eighth, most recent round of research with 29,000 respondents, we have defined how to Navigate HR’s Impact on results that matter.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

The Journey to Mental Health: A Business and HR Leader Imperative
November 02, 2021
Millions have been directly affected by the physical crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic (tragically over 5 million lives have been lost with 250 million cases). Even more, nearly all the eight billion people on earth have been directly affected by the mental health implications of not only the COVID-19 crisis but also the crises of social injustice, economic turbulence, political polarization, and technological revolution.

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Tags: Leadership, HR, Mental Health

Fix Society’s Emotional Deficit Disorder with Empathic Leadership
March 09, 2021
Everyone hopes and anticipates that the horrific COVID virus will abate in 2021 thanks to vaccines and smart lifestyle choices. While many scars from this global pandemic will remain, our society has also experienced a pervasive emotional deficit due to social injustices (from refugee challenges to racism and sexism) and political divide.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

Personalization as the Leadership and HR Takeaway from the 2020–2021 Crises
February 23, 2021
What is your primary takeaway from the crises (plural: global pandemic, social injustice, political quarrels, economic variability) of the last twelve months?

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Tags: HR

Leadership Soft Skills Required for Business and Personal Success
July 30, 2019
We often get asked, “What skills are required to succeed in the new world of work?”

Business leaders want employees with the skills to deliver results. HR leaders work to hire, train, and pay for the right skills. And perhaps most importantly, employees at all levels wonder what they should learn, know, and do to improve their personal career opportunities.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

What Is Your Point-of-View About What’s Next for HR?
July 16, 2019
When I teach, write, consult, or coach, I am increasingly aware that my primary role in these opportunities is to help others create their point-of-view. I ask, “How can what I know help them further shape what they know, do, and feel?” To help someone develop their point-of-view, I need to be clear (and relatively succinct) about my point-of-view on a topic.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

Establishing an Organization Guidance System
July 02, 2019
by Dave Ulrich (dou@umich.ed), Co-founder - The RBL Group, Norm Smallwood (, Co-founder - The RBL Group and Alan Todd (, Founder - CorpU

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Tags: Leadership, HR

What’s Your Experience with Employee Experience?
June 18, 2019
Decades ago, I was drawn into the then-emerging field of “organizational behavior” because I was enthralled with how organizations shaped people’s lives. I bought into my mentor’s mantra, “organizations don’t think—people do” (JB Ritchie). Over the ensuing years, my passion for shaping organizations that deliver value to employees inside (and customers, investors, and communities outside) has only grown. With so many others, I have been committed to helping evolve the agendas of both the individual competence (talent, skills, workforce) and organization capability (culture, systems, workplace).

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Tags: HR, Future of Work

Focus on the Right Culture in Mergers and Acquisitions
June 04, 2019
In today’s world of technological, demographic, global, consumer, and competitive change, managing culture is increasingly central to business success. And yet, in many decades of research, consulting, and executive teaching, my colleagues and I have rarely found that companies know how to design and implement the “right” organization culture—one that focuses on the requirements of the competitive market place, including ever-changing customer demands.

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Tags: Innovation, Culture, Mergers and Acquisitions

From Workforce to Worktask Planning
March 12, 2019
Everyone realizes that better talent (and culture) will help an organization succeed. Over the years, many have attempted to improve talent—this effort is loosely called workforce planning.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

Effectiveness Audit for Your HR Department
February 26, 2019
For the last 30 years, HR transformation centered around a simple theme: HR is not about HR but about delivering value for employees, customers, and investors. Many who focus on HR transformation (also called disruption, re-imagination, renewal, or the latest term) almost exclusively emphasize how to organize the HR department. We believe that upgrading the HR department goes far beyond HR design.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

Digital HR: What Is It and What’s Next?
February 12, 2019
No one doubts that technology has changed our lives. Global online sales have doubled in five years to over $1.5 trillion. The big six social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest) exceed a total membership of 2.4 billion people. If it constituted a country, Facebook—the most popular social media platform—would be the second most populous country on the planet, after China. Technology pervades our daily lives in how we use computers, communicate, access entertainment, drive, shop, form relationships, and so forth. Unprecedented and fast innovation in technology provides digital information that increases and enables customization, underpins predictive analytics, and redefines boundaries.

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Tags: Innovation, HR

HR's Vital Role as Caregivers
January 29, 2019
Caregiving, the act of regularly looking out for the welfare of others, matters more than ever in today’s volatile world.

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Tags: HR

What Is the Most Important Contribution HR Delivers to Employees?
January 15, 2019
Recently, a group of thoughtful senior HR folks were discussing what HR could offer employees to increase the employees’ well-being at work. They discussed experience and research-based answers: autonomy to make decisions, relationships that nurture, visions and purposes that create meaning, opportunities to learn and grow to become better, leaders who inspire, and so forth.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

3 Principles of Hope That Enable Transitions
December 31, 2018
As a calendar year ends and begins, it is an opportunity for transition. Transitions allow for reflection and renewal, for letting go and beginning anew, and for learning from the past and creating the future.

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Tags: Leadership, HR

What Do Thought Leaders Think?
December 18, 2018
How do thought leaders think about management, innovation, corporations, turbulent times, discontinuity, effective executives, and managing for the future? (Note: All these terms are from titles of Peter Drucker’s magnificent books). In this essay, italicized text indicates book titles or quotes from Peter Drucker.

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Leadership

13 Author Newsletters
How HR Can Help Deliver Both Market Share and Customer Share through Human Capability
February 11, 2025
Gaining market share is a CEO top 2025 priority based on CEO research by Conference Board (see figure 1). The Profit Impact Market Strategy (PIMS) data has shown over the decades that market share highly correlates with profitability.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

How HR and Business Leaders Use Power to Get Things Done by Empowering More than Depowering
February 04, 2025
I was asked recently why the evidence and experience showing that the right human capability investments deliver stakeholder value has not had more impact. With others, I have suggested that turning what we know into what others do is not easy and requires implementing change and sustainability disciplines. Yet, even with good content (ideas, evidence, and experiences) and processes (change and sustainability disciplines), the human capability agenda has not gained full traction in too many settings.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Discovering Clarity in Chaos: How to Become a Master of Clarity—Not a Hostage of Chaos
January 28, 2025
Think about what has happened in the world in the past few years. Could you have predicted COVID with health and social implications, technology and AI innovations, political elections worldwide, geopolitical tensions and conflicts, environmental and climate upheavals (fires, floods), and (fill in the blank)? Likely, your personal and professional lives have also faced dramatic upheaval.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Relationship Lessons for and from HR and Natural Disasters (Los Angeles Fires)
January 21, 2025
The fires in Los Angeles (and other natural disasters such as the fire in Hawaii, earthquake in Japan, floods in China and Carolinas [U.S.A.], and typhoons or hurricanes around the world) remind me that relationships matter most not only in personal lives but organization settings. Relationships can be the lingering source of peace in a tumultuous world, joy in the face of tragedy, and stability in the midst of change.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Next Step in GenAI for Human Resources: Proliferation vs. Prioritization
January 14, 2025
Imagine going into a big box retailer for the first time. Each Walmart store carries around 140,000 stock-keeping units (SKUs) on a given day. Or most supermarkets carry over 30,000 items.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Advising Yourself and Others: How to Expand Thinking and Focus Actions
January 07, 2025
In recent weeks, I have had the privilege of advising several individuals facing career transitions: a new entrant to the workforce considering what he should study and plan for his career, a mid-level employee deciding to stay or go from her current role and job, and a seasoned employee considering when and how to retire.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

The Best Is Yet to Come . . . Maybe Eight Year-End Tips for Making Personal Resolutions and Organization Plans Happen
December 31, 2024
This is the time of year to look ahead to envision what can be. Many make New Year resolutions for personal improvement, and leaders articulate annual strategic and human capability plans. Yet too many of these resolutions and plans declare more than deliver. I like to end my talks or workshops with the optimistic hope that the best is yet ahead, yet I realize that to reach this “best” state requires more than hope.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

What Are the Gifts HR and Business Leaders Offer?
December 26, 2023
What has been the “best” gift you have received or given?

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Management

Overcoming the Know/Do Gap in Human Capability Value Creation
November 28, 2023
By Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan; Partner, RBL Group (, Norm Smallwood, RBL Partner and Co-founder ( and Mike Panowyk RBL NA Region Lead and G3HC Principal (

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Tags: Leadership, HR

Talent Advantage: How HR and Business Leaders Win through Talent
October 31, 2023
Creating a talent advantage defines much of the human capability (talent + leadership + organization + HR) agenda. HR professionals often gain credibility and have impact when they help create a talent advantage by answering such questions as why talent matters, how to improve talent, and how to prioritize talent

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Tags: Leadership, HR

How HR Can Disclosure and Improve Value Created: Governance and Guidance for Growth Through Human Capability (G3HC)
October 26, 2023
Like many others, we have spent our career seeking to discover how to create value for all organization stakeholders inside (employee fulfillment and strategic realization) and outside (customer share, investor confidence, and community reputation) through people and organization practices. This illusive, but relevant, aspiration has inspired ideas, research, and experiments. We are closer to this holy grail (or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow) today because of progress on three efforts: outcomes, frameworks, and research.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

How to Inform and Energize Investors on Your Human Capability Agenda
October 12, 2023
We have worked on this scenario for over 25 years since a CEO founder asked us how to improve his firm’s price/earnings ratio of 20 to be closer to his competitors of 40 to avoid risk of takeover. We realized that much of the P/E ratio was tied to people and organization. But neither he (nor we) had a good answer and his firm was acquired by the competitor

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

How Effective are Your Human Capability Investments and Disclosures?
October 03, 2023
Human capability (talent + leadership + organization + HR) facilitates every company’s success and represents a significant component of its market value. Intangible assets explain an increasing percent of market value (see figure 1), and human capability represents about 25 percent of overall intangibles—which is why the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires reporting companies to disclose material human capital agendas to shareholders.

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Tags: Management, HR

15 Books
Reinventing the Organization
McGraw-Hill Education
September 24, 2019
The dialogue revealed a profound shift in how we conceptualize work and leadership in the age of AI. Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic highlighted that AI has already exposed inefficiencies in current work practices, particularly among knowledge workers. "For the vast majority, even of knowledge workers who are very skilled and spend a lot of time studying... we don't actually spend that much time thinking on a typical working day," he observed. This revelation suggests that AI might fundamentally change how we value and compensate work, potentially shifting focus to periods of genuine creative and strategic thinking.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

Victory Through Organization: Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It
McGraw-Hill Education
April 05, 2017
The next step in HR’s creation of value?turning the war for talent into victory through organization.

“HR is not about HR. HR begins and ends with the business.”

The RBL Group and the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan have shaped much of the HR profession for 30 years through the Human Resource Competency Study (HRCS). With this latest (7th) round of research, Dave Ulrich, David Kryscynski, Mike Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank call for us to pivot from fighting the “war for talent”?to creating victory through organization.

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Tags: HR

The Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership
Berrett-Koehler Publishers
October 19, 2015
When it comes to evaluating a firm, leadership matters.

We know that financial outcomes can predict about 50 percent of a firm’s market value. Intangibles like strategy, brand, talent, R&D, innovation, risk, and so on account for the rest. But leadership underlies them all. And despite how important we know it is, we’ve been forced to rely on subjective and unreliable ways to measure its impact—until now.

In this landmark book, leadership scholar, author, and consultant Dave Ulrich proposes a “leadership capital index”—a Moody’s or Standard and Poor’s rating for leadership. Drawing on research from investors and business leaders, and synthesizing the work of dozens of consulting firms and leadership experts, Ulrich analyzes two broad domains, each comprising five factors. The individual domain includes personal qualities, strategic prowess, execution proficiency, interpersonal skills, and fit between the leader’s style and the organization’s market promises. The organizational domain encompasses a leader’s ability to create customer-focused cultures, manage talent, demand accountability, use information to gain competitive advantage, and set up work processes to deal with change.

Ulrich details rigorous metrics and methods for evaluating leaders on each of these factors. The result is a groundbreaking book that will be of vital interest not only to equity and debt investors but also to boards of directors, executive teams, human resource and leadership development professionals, government and ratings agencies—and of course to leaders themselves.

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Tags: Leadership

The Rise of HR: Wisdom from 73 Thought Leaders
HR Certification Institute
May 06, 2015
More than ever, leaders of nearly every kind of organization view their human resources teams as essential to institutional well-being and long-term growth and sustainability. That’s the central and animating theme of “The Rise of HR: Wisdom from 73 Thought Leaders,” a new anthology published by the HR Certification Institute in collaboration with Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor of Business, University of Michigan and Partner and Co-founder of The RBL Group, Bill Schiemann, CEO, Metrus Group, Inc. and Libby Sartain, Business Advisor, Board Member and Volunteer.

In the eBook, the essayists address how increasing numbers of HR professionals are – and should be – the principal stewards of their organizations’ talent by recruiting and cultivating workers with competence and motivation to perform well, by building and maintaining a consistent, lasting and unique culture that enables the organization to thrive and leadership to support the acquisition of skills for meeting short-run goals and delivering long-run stability and growth.

Collectively, the essays describe how HR practitioners must live up to and even extend expectations of their profession’s growing and evolving role. They focus on how HR professionals and the tools they use must adapt to shifts in demographics and the impacts of technology on the workplace.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

The Change Champion's Field Guide: Strategies and Tools for Leading Change in Your Organization 2nd Edition
July 22, 2013
Nearly a decade later, leading change pioneers in the field have realigned to bring you the second edition of the Change Champion's Fieldguide.

This thoroughly revised and updated edition of the Change Champion's Field Guide is filled with the information, tools, and strategies needed to implement a best practice change or leadership development initiative where everyone wins. In forty-five chapters, the guide's contributors, widely acknowledged as the "change champions" and leaders in the fields of organizational change and leadership development, explore the competencies and practices that define an effective change leader. Change Champions such as Harrison Owen, Edgar Schein, Marv Weisbord, Sandra Janoff, Mary Eggers, William Rothwell, Dave Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, Judith Katz, Peter Koestenbaum, Dick Axelrod, David Cooperrider, and scores of others provide their sage advice, practical applications, and examples of change methods that work.

Change Champion's Field Guide examines the topic of leadership and change within four main topics including:

Key elements of leading successful and results-driven change
Tools, models, instruments, and strategies for leading change
Critical success and failure factors
Trends and research on innovation, change, and leadership
Guidelines on how to design, implement, and evaluate change and leadership initiatives
Fresh case studies that highlight leading companies who are implementing successful change in innovative and inspired ways.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Leadership Sustainability
March 12, 2013
Every day, thousands of people put great effort--and money--into becoming more effective leaders, through seminars, personal coaching, and employee development plans. These undertakings can do wonders to help leaders of all stripes improve their effectiveness. But not every leader finishes what he or she starts--and many revert back to less effective habits, often without even realizing it.

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Management

HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
McGraw-Hill Education
July 17, 2012

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Tags: Management, HR

Leadership Code: Five Rules to Lead By
Harvard Business Review Press
January 08, 2009
What makes a great leader?

It's a question that has been tackled by thousands. In fact, there are literally tens of thousands of leadership studies, theories, frameworks, models, and recommended best practices. But where are the clear, simple answers we need for our daily work lives? Are there any?

Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood, and Kate Sweetman set out to answer these questions—to crack the code of leadership. Drawing on decades of research experience, the authors conducted extensive interviews with a variety of respected CEOs, academics, experienced executives, and seasoned consultants—and heard the same five essentials repeated again and again. These five rules became The Leadership Code.

In The Leadership Code, the authors break down great leadership into day-to-day actions, so that you know what to do Monday morning. Crack the leadership code—and take your leadership to the next level.

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Tags: Leadership

Organizational Capability: Competing from the Inside Out 1st Edition
May 02, 2008
For any organization to compete successfully in today's market, it must focus on building not only from the outside but from the inside as well. Shows the correlation between successful people management and the bottom line. Explains how involving employees in the planning and implementation process and allowing them to see the fruits of their labor (the sense of connection between daily work and long-term customer success) benefits the organization. The aim here is to show how focusing on organizational capability will not only meet short-term financial requirements, but also build a solid foundation for the future.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

HR Competencies: Mastery at the Intersection of People and Business
Society For Human Resource Management
March 01, 2008
Practical and concise, this guide provides an overview of the knowledge, skills, and values that successful human resource (HR) professionals demonstrate in all types of positions, companies, and geographies. The techniques help those professionals architect, coach, design, and facilitate programs for effective operations resulting in more efficient and content organizations. Answering such questions as What makes a successful HR professional? Which HR competencies have the most impact on performance? How do they affect business performance?, and How do HR departments affect individuals? this comprehensive and empirical book offers advice for every HR professional—making them more successful, effective, and valuable to their companies.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

Leadership Brand: Developing Customer-Focused Leaders to Drive Performance and Build Lasting Value
Harvard Business Review Press
August 13, 2007
Your company's brands hold intangible value and differentiate your firm from rivals. So does your leadership brand—a shared identity among your organization's leaders that differentiates what they can do from what your rivals' leaders can do. In Leadership Brand, Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood show how branded leadership delivers unique value for firms' investors, customers, and employees—elevating market value and creating a sharp competitive edge. The authors present a six-step process for creating leadership brand in your organization. A wealth of tools helps you differentiate your firm's leaders from those of rivals, craft a unified identity among them, and articulate a unique statement of your brand. Additional chapters and tools show you how to assess and measure your leadership brand, where to invest in the brand, which practices instill the brand, and how to communicate the brand to your many stakeholders. With its compelling new model and hands-on approach, this book helps you clarify what makes your leaders unique—and use your leadership brand to leave rivals far behind.

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Tags: Leadership

The GE Work-Out : How to Implement GE's Revolutionary Method for Busting Bureaucracy & Attacking Organizational Problems
McGraw-Hill Education
April 15, 2002
Famous "Work-Out" change-management tool explained by the people who helped develop it.
GE's legendary Work-Out program played a key role in the company's phenomenal success over the past decade and has been implemented in many other organizations. Now three executives and consultants who developed the original Work-Out approach at GE­­often working directly with CEO Jack Welch­­discuss the inner workings of Work-Out and their experiences at successfully implementing the program at GE.

Filled with effective assessment and decisionmaking tools, The GE Work-Out provides concrete and realistic guidance for anyone who wants to implement Work-Out and break down bureaucracy and hierarchy within an organization.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance
Harvard Business Review Press
April 11, 2001
Three experts in Human Resources introduce a measurement system that convincingly showcases how HR impacts business performance. Drawing from the authors' ongoing study of nearly 3,000 firms, this book describes a seven-step process for embedding HR systems within the firm's overall strategy--what the authors describe as an HR Scorecard--and measuring its activities in terms that line managers and CEOs will find compelling. Analyzing how each element of the HR system can be designed to enhance firm performance and maximize the overall quality of human capital, this important book heralds the emergence of HR as a strategic powerhouse in today's organizations.

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Tags: HR

Results-Based Leadership 1st Edition
Harvard Business Review Press
April 15, 1999
A landmark book, Results-Based Leadership challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding leadership. Authors Ulrich, Zenger, and Smallwood--world-renowned experts in human resources and training--argue that it is not enough to gauge leaders by personal traits such as character, style, and values. Rather, effective leaders know how to connect these leadership attributes with results. Results-Based Leadership shows executives how to deliver results in four specific areas: results for employees, for the organization, for its customers, and for its investors. The authors provide action-oriented guidelines that readers can follow to develop and hone their own results-based leadership skills. By shifting our focus to the connection between the attributes and the results of leadership, this perceptive new guide fundamentally improves our understanding of effective leadership. Results-Based Leadership brings a refreshing clarity and directness to the leadership discussion, providing a hands-on program to help executives succeed with their leadership challenges.

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Tags: Leadership

The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure
August 10, 1998
Discover the specific strategies premier companies are using to position themselves for success in the new knowledge economy. In this best-selling work, a world-class team of management experts shows how leading corporations--General Electric, Morgan Bank, and SmithKline Beecham included--are busting boundaries on all fronts. Each of these companies is producing superior results by encouraging the flow of ideas, resources, and talents in and out of the organization, up and down the hierarchy, and across geographic lines. For any executive looking to build a more flexible, innovative, and competitive organization, The Boundaryless Organization remains the definitive guide.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

1 Book Chapter
The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management 1st Edition
August 25, 2018
Combining up-to-date research, innovative content and practical perspectives, this book is the benchmark by which all other strategic HRM reference works should be measured. Leading figures from around the globe survey the current state of the discipline, while also introducing and exploring new, cutting edge themes in order to offer a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the field.

Section introductions and integrative critiques pull together the separate themes to provide cross-comparisons between chapters to create a cohesive and well-structured volume. Unlike other texts in this area, The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management incorporates contributions from leading management and business writers in areas adjacent to human resource management, including strategy, innovation and organizational learning. These add fresh and challenging insights into HRM themes from key mainstream business and management thinking. The field of strategic HRM is thus enriched and extended by this volume.

Focusing on the interplay between theory and practice, this book is an essential resource for researchers and students studying human resource management and strategy.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

1 Founder
Co-founder & Partner, RBL Group
RBL Group
January 01, 2019
The RBL Group is on the forefront of strategic HR transformation, leadership capability development, and strategy implementation. We begin and end with an outside-in focus on customers, employees, and investors to create solutions that yield long-term impact.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

1 Whitepaper
Level-Up Leadership: Increasing Effectiveness and Impact of Leadership at Different Levels
The RBL Group
May 01, 2019
Over ten years ago, RBL laid out The Leadership Code, a simple model which we feel captures the foundational elements of good leadership practice. This model has since been implemented in organizations of varying sizes around the world, customized to create unique Leadership Brands, and expanded to include behavioral descriptors for six different levels of leadership—from individual contributors leading themselves to executives leading some of the world’s largest companies.

Last year, we pulled data from over 13,000 global leaders and over 80,000 rater data points collected over the past ten years to look at how the Leadership Code varies at these different levels. What exactly is different about the work of an executive? A middle manager? A front-line leader? This article summarizes these findings.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR

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