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Spatial Shift

Napa, United States

Spatial Shift, LLC is a Narrative Design & Ideation firm that solves market fit for global companies and or organizations that are rethinking, reframing and or repurposing who they are and why they exist. Clients’ successfully completed: Shared Studios, FintechOS, Vimeo, Greenhouse, Visier, Robin, Soundstack, Randstad Risesmart, Eharmony, Catalyst Constellations, Back to Space, Red5Pro, Li & Fung Foundation, ShareThis, Logic Mark, LookyLoo, Details Wines/Sinegal Estates, OnQ Wines, Bloom, Breville, Automation Anywhere, Servco, Tabolla, Tapjoy, Time Warner Cable, and several public and private companies under NDA.

Services Provided
Strategic Brand Narratives
Narrative Flywheel/TAM
Executive Brand Narrarives
User Manuals

Thought Leaders

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.26
Analytics 30.83
Big Data 30.91
Business Continuity
Business Strategy 32.74
Change Management
COVID19 30.27
Culture 30.04
Customer Experience 30.52
Design Thinking 33.45
Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation
Entrepreneurship 35.52
Future of Work 30.03
Generative AI
Innovation 31.22
Leadership 30.86
Lean Startup
Management 30.23
Marketing 32.10
Mobility 30.58
Open Innovation 30.53
Personal Branding 30.11
Public Relations
Retail 31.45
Sales 34.17
Social 34.98
Startups 32.06


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Spatial Shift

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