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Warren, United States

LTIMindtree's purpose is enshrined in our values and reflected in the mindfulness we bring to using technology and solving business problems. Purpose guides our actions; it shapes strategy and provides predictability to execution; it is the foundation for service excellence. Our clients, from across industries, geographies, and cultures, partner with us for what we do—and as much for why we do it. The purpose, vision, and values of LTIMindtree ensure we are committed to sustainable growth that propels our clients towards the future, faster - together.

Services Provided
The world is evolving rapidly with transformative technological advancements, dynamic changes in economies, and a shifting global landscape. These changes make it challenging for our people, clients, partners, and communities to navigate the evolving landscape. At LTIMindtree, we constantly push the boundaries of what’s possible by leveraging our expertise, experience, and innovative ecosystem to empower enterprises, people, and communities to build a better Future, Faster. Together. To achieve this, we drive business transformation using what we are good at—technology, talent, and a robust ecosystem of partners—to eliminate all barriers to progress. Our commitment is to a singular goal: to relentlessly ensure our clients become their future sustainable selves ahead of schedule.

We want to use technology to build intimacy, warmth, and empathy through the experiences we create. Our purpose is to unleash new possibilities and impact every human we touch. Our net-zero pledge leverages renewable energy, waste management, and a focus on the practices of a circular economy to ensure a healthier, safer, and more sustainable business.

Our vision lets us be as ambitious as we want to be. It allows us to think beyond what we did until yesterday. Today, we have become the catalyst that takes all our stakeholders to the future, faster. Together.

Thought Leaders

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.03
AI 30.06
Big Data 30.07
Business Continuity
Business Strategy 30.07
Change Management 30.34
COVID19 30.27
CRM 31.30
Culture 30.08
Customer Experience 31.91
Customer Loyalty 32.69
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 30.24
Digital Transformation 30.26
Diversity and Inclusion 30.49
Ecosystems 30.12
Emerging Technology 32.04
Future of Work 30.06
Generative AI 30.96
HealthTech 30.02
Innovation 30.03
IT Leadership
IT Strategy
Leadership 30.09
Marketing 30.89
Mobility 30.39
Personal Branding
Predictive Analytics 30.04
Product Management
Retail 33.48
Sales 30.10
Social 32.99
Startups 30.07


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