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Sue Shaw

President at Sue Shaw Consulting Ltd

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Results-driven professional who identifies, attracts, and guides high-performing teams in the effective and efficient delivery of quality projects and services. Proven ability to excel in multi-national, multicultural, and multi-vendor environments. Strong communication, problem solving, and decision-making skills coupled with tenacity and agility.

An internationally recognized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) expert and user group leader. Significant relationships with Oracle, IBM, and other major vendors, as part of a broad network. Extensive experience with all components of large applications, enabling a unique perspective across the IT landscape, from business processes and data quality to integrations and infrastructure.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Calgary, Canada
Speaking Topics: ERP, EAM, Enterprise Cloud Applications

Sue Shaw Points
Academic 0
Author 42
Influencer 22
Speaker 3
Entrepreneur 0
Total 67

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Business Unit: Enterprise Applications
Theatre: World wide
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Big Data
Business Continuity
Business Strategy
Change Management
Cloud 30.60
Customer Experience
Data Center 30.65
Digital Transformation 30.04
ERP 31.20
Leadership 30.05
Supply Chain

Industry Experience

Higher Education & Research
Oil & Gas


2 Miscellaneouss
Business Growth with ERP and Digital Transformation
WBS Rocks
February 23, 2022
The oil and gas industry is unique with its process complexity and its ad-hoc nature. Also, it's even harder for global companies when you might need to comply with global regulations in each country. If you were to implement an ERP for a large, global oil and gas company, you not only have to figure out which countries would be the right candidate to avoid implementation failures as well as cost overruns, but you also need to figure out how to standardize ever-changing processes.

In today's episode, our guest, Sue Shaw, shares her insights into how to succeed with large global rollouts for the oil and gas industry. She also discusses concepts such as how to develop criteria for prioritizing the countries and how to plan for costs for projects that might be as long as 10-years. Finally, she shared concepts such as joint venture billing, costing challenges across subsidiaries for the oil and gas industry, transportation management challenges, and depreciation rules.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, ERP

Common Sense Advice for your Large Applications
November 09, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

14 Videos
17. What ERP project activities do you need?
April 15, 2021
What ERP project activities do you need?

See publication

Tags: ERP

15. How to choose an implementation partner?
February 15, 2021
How to choose an implementation partner?

See publication

Tags: ERP

11. Pros and Cons of SaaS?
Import from
October 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

10. Pros and Cons of Cloud 2?
Import from
September 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cloud, ERP, Data Center

9. Pros and Cons of Cloud 1?
Import from
August 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cloud, ERP, Data Center

8. Cloud or On Premise?
Import from
July 13, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cloud, ERP, Data Center

7. Best of Breed or Integrated System?
Import from
June 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

6. What about a Cloud Strategy?
Import from
May 10, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cloud, ERP, Data Center

5. What about an ERP Strategy?
Import from
April 11, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

Import from
March 23, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

3. What is Cloud?
Import from
March 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cloud, ERP, Data Center

4. How to choose an ERP?
Import from
March 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

2. What is ERP?
Import from
March 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

1. Who is Ms ERP?
Import from
March 14, 2020

See publication

Tags: ERP

1 Webinar
Stairway to Cloud Overview
Quest Oracle Community
February 01, 2022
This session is for IT and Business Leaders who would like some assistance in structuring their approach to moving their applications, especially ERPs, to the cloud. Hear from an enterprise applications expert who sees the world through a customer’s eyes and can help you sift through the sometimes cloudy advice out there.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, ERP, Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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Sue Shaw