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Otti Vogt

COO and Chief Transformation Officer C&G at ING

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Disruptive thinker, amateur poet, unacknowledged internet entrepreneur and passionate global C-level transformation leader with over 20 years of experience in implementing strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex organisations and in building global high performing teams to deliver sustainable shareholder value and happiness@work.

Available For: Authoring, Speaking
Travels From: Amsterdam
Speaking Topics: Leadership, Agile organisations, Strategic Transformation

Otti Vogt Points
Academic 0
Author 56
Influencer 1
Speaker 238
Entrepreneur 30
Total 325

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: COO
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Agile 37.88
Business Continuity 30.12
Business Strategy 31.44
Change Management 31.34
COVID19 30.27
CSR 42.46
Culture 30.27
Digital Transformation 32.81
Future of Work 30.10
Health and Wellness 30.08
HR 30.40
Innovation 30.10
Leadership 34.77
Management 31.47
Risk Management
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


31 Article/Blogs
100 Years of Messy Leadership Theories [Or: A Leader's New Year’s Resolution]
Good Organisations
December 28, 2022
At the end of yet another eventful year, many of us will be pondering how to lead ourselves and others during the coming months. Sadly, even with the best of intentions and catalysed by earnest and solemn New Year’s resolutions, “becoming a better leader” is no easy task…

Chances are that someone has gifted you one of those multi-coloured, slogan-rich “airport” management books that often come with ready-made "washing lists" of highly critical characteristics, or secret “power traits”, of successful leaders. Humility, perseverance, discipline, openness to change, toughness, curiosity, cleverness, empathy, courage... you name it! Normally, those lists are accompanied by sophisticated case studies of famous entrepreneurs or politicians, spirited (and equally meaningless) statistical analyses, highly subjective interpretations and polaroid conclusions.

Sadly, fact is: only 5% of those allegedly all-important character traits overlap across research recommendations, and — even more sadly — it is impossible to possess them all. However, more importantly, the whole (positivistic) idea that leadership success is dependent on a specific set of unchanging individual character traits, to be acquired and transferred from one job to the next — is, in one word: nonsensical. Any replicable correlation between leadership traits and success is mostly spurious.

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Tags: Agile, CSR, Leadership

Good Organisations
December 25, 2022
It might be a symptom of our shallow discussions about organisational transformation that often posts single-mindedly demonise the perils of micro-management. Many such popular and populist posts come decorated with funny visuals, ready-made lists of “suggestions” and good practices, or allegedly thought-provoking questions like: “how often did you disagree with your team’s decisions last week?” Sadly, most of this is missing the point…

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Tags: Agile, Leadership, Management

The “End” of Agility (or: From Agility to Excellence)
Good Organisations
December 24, 2022
Much of today’s “new” management wisdom seems to focus on “agility” — the practice of taking small iterative steps to learn-by-doing, rather than create ambitious and complex multi-year plans and projects that require rigid central steering and often prove unsuccessful if early assumptions are incomplete, incorrect, or subject to change.

However, this way of looking at management almost exclusively focuses on “external” complexity and requisite internal adaptiveness. Change is assumed to be necessary and intrinsically valuable. That might sometimes be true, but certainly cannot be universally assumed- not all change is “good”, and not always is a capacity for “reactivity” or “resilience” the optimal choice for interaction between an organisation and its environment.

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Tags: Agile, CSR, Leadership

Return of the Heroic Leaders?
Good Organisations
December 23, 2022
Should we stop nurturing naïve fantasies of blissful “bottom up” societal revolutions, carried forth by a collective energy of compassionate and united global citizens? Has the time come for a revival of the “HEROIC” #LEADER?

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Tags: Agile, CSR, Leadership

The Modern Myth of “Know Thyself”
Good Organisations
December 19, 2022
It is quite curious how enthusiastically many of us have jumped on a positive psychology bandwagon, often suggesting that already the ancient Greek anticipated our modern “wisdom” of mindfulness and meditation. Of course, this is mostly incorrect…

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HR, Leadership

When Coaching is NOT the Answer
Good Organisations
December 19, 2022
In spite of millions of hours spent on coaching and psychotherapy in the last few decades — in groups or for individuals — it appears that neither the world has become much wiser, nor that our societies or organisations are flourishing more. In fact, the ephemeral “science of the unconscious” does not seem to have resulted in much elevation of collective consciousness; or such greater awareness does not appear to translate into more responsible (collective) action.

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Tags: Agile, HR, Leadership

The Problem with Democracy
Good Organisations
December 17, 2022
It is interesting that we often speak of democracy as an “ethical ideal”. It seems we have accepted as an absolute truth that democracy is something we must always aim for — “undemocratic” has become synonymous with illegitimate — and we often find it appropriate to reprimand others who do not operate “democratically”. Sadly, commentators mostly resort to a black-and-white dichotomy of “democractic vs undemocratic” — and the depth of our excitable postmodern political discourse mostly consists of superficial populism and squabbles over voting ages and redistricting.

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Tags: CSR, HR, Leadership

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupidity
Good Organisations
December 12, 2022
In a recent conversation about whether “slashing bureaucracy” is the most opportune intervention modern CEOs should consider, I warned that agility is not “effectiveness”. We are at risk of becoming functionally stupid in a system that glorifies “quantitative efficiency”. As leaders, we must not mistake maximising profit – which is simply about paying back savvy “capitalists” for their alleged risk – for purpose; or return on equity for responsibility. Some of the most important things in our human lives money will not buy – value is not price, and our limited time on this earth is endlessly precious.

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Tags: CSR, HR, Leadership

Good Organisations
September 20, 2022
What if time, as Aristotle claimed, doesn’t exist independent of motion? Maybe I should add another warning: strictly speaking, this isn’t about chronological time (in case you’re looking at your watch), but about what Whitehead, Deleuze and others discussed as “ontological” time…

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Tags: Leadership, Sustainability

How can we manage a radical transformation towards livable, sustainable and creative organizations?
September 07, 2022
Good organizations combine a vibrant and creative life energy with human values, social responsibility and efficient production. To do this, we must go beyond the purely profit-oriented and methodical-analytical “engineering” approach and develop new principles

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Wie gelingt uns die radikale Erneuerung zu lebenswerten, nachhaltigen und kreativen Organisationen?
Good Organisations
September 04, 2022
Wir sind überzeugt: Transformation muss man neu denken! Wirklicher Wandel kann nicht einfach bedeuten, die Hitliste der “8 Kernpunkte der Unternehmenstransformation“ abzuhaken oder sich nur an Profit, Wettbewerbsposition und Shareholder Value zu messen. Vielmehr müssen wir uns vor jedem Wandel erst einmal die Frage stehen: Wozu und wodurch?

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Good Organisations
July 14, 2022
Leadership is not about the leader, nor his ladder, nor the new direction, nor the mindset, and not even about “bringing your people with you” to embrace the new (your!) course. It’s not even about the narrative itself: it’s about what is invisible in the picture. Good leadership is about transforming an organisational capacity “to become” its own best future.In other words, and to stay with the image, it is mostly about the “pointing of the finger”...

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Tags: Culture, Leadership

Good Organisations
July 09, 2022
It seems that many of our current conversations about organizational and individual #transformation and #leadership have started to take undue and dangerous shortcuts to purport simplistic slogans and recipes, rather than promote deeper inquiry...

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

The Case For “PSYCHOLOGICAL UNSAFETY”? From Psychological Safety and Radical Candour to Radical Development
Good Organisations
July 09, 2022
Why do we have psychological risks in the workplace in the first place? Most of the psychological risk exists simply because organisation are not an interaction between robots, but an encounter between human beings. Risk is there because employees are not just resources to be molded and disciplined, but subjects of action and responsibility. So, why do we need safety? Here things get interesting.

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Tags: Agile, Culture, Leadership

Good Organisations
July 03, 2022
The problem with STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM remains, in my interpretation, primarily ontological.
What does that mean? It means that when we “see the world” as a fragmented array of constituents who lay normative claims on the economy, or an Organisation, or the State, we quickly forget that such a perspective is necessarily incomplete.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Good Organisations
July 02, 2022
In this ever more uncertain and dangerous world, where traditional values and communities are being eroded, and external change is constant… or so the story went… we can only truly rely upon ourselves. Hence, to master the rugged seas of postmodern anxiety and realise “our best self” we have to embark on a quest for authenticity. Successful living means to connect to our very “essence” and live in accordance with our “soul”. Of course, most of this is fiction…

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Tags: Agile, Change Management, Culture

Homo Economicus is Dead — Long Live Homo Cooperativus!
Good Organisations
March 26, 2022
In Search of Homo Economicus
We have looked everywhere — the infamous ‘homo economicus’ has gone missing like Ötzi the Iceman! This abstract model of men who act and decide solely based on rational calculation of benefits and costs, and who are exclusively guided by self-interest, or even greed and guile, exists mostly in the heads of economists (who, by the way, are 80% male!) and corporate finance departments. Behavioural economists, anthropologists and psychologists have proven and re-proven in experiments and field studies all over the world that humans naturally “care about fairness and reciprocity”; are “willing to change the distribution of material outcomes at personal expense”; and “are inclined to reward those who act in a cooperative manner while punishing those who do not” — notwithstanding the cost to themselves (Henrich et al 2001). As it happens, even in so-called “one-shot” games with complete strangers, positive mutual interactions quickly emerge…

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Tags: Culture, Future of Work, Leadership

How Economic Science Lost Its Heart and Soul (…and What We Can Do About It)
Good Organisations
January 30, 2022
Imagine a society where people interact with trust, solidarity and fraternity. Where welfare is not measured in terms of GDP, but lived in terms of public happiness. Where the economy is virtuous and markets aim at shared prosperity through mutual exchange and generous reciprocity. Where organisations are, first and foremost, positive agents of societal change — creating communities, not commodities. And where work is centred on the integral development of each person, not solely on products…

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Tags: Agile, Future of Work, Leadership

Gute Arbeit, gutes Leben... Gute Unternehmen gesucht!
University of St. Gallen / HSG
November 22, 2021
«Letztendlich ist unsere Arbeit immer auch ein Spiegelbild unser selbst. Sie kann unendliche Freuden schaffen oder grosses Leid», schreiben Antoinette Weibel und Otti Vogt in ihrem Beitrag.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

We need to start the transformation with ourselves - Interview with Antoinette Weibel and Otti Vogt
Haufe New Management Magazine
June 14, 2021
Interview New Work, Agile, Teal – there are many initiatives for a new future of work. Otti Vogt, until recently COO and Chief Transformation Officer C&G at ING, and Prof. Dr. Antoinette Weibel from the University of St. Gallen explain in this interview why these have not yet achieved broad transformational power and how things could be improved.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

A Timely Laloux Retrospective: Why Teal is Wrong! (And Why You Should Care)
New Management Journal
June 02, 2021
Since the publication of Frederic Laloux's Reinventing Organizations in 2014, "Teal" has become a hopeful utopia for its passionate followers in the global future-of-work community. Seven years later many find their dreams shattered, as the book’s revolutionary vision rests on patchy premises.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Neue Leader braucht das Land - Beyond Agile - Otti Vogt (deutsch)
December 17, 2020
Neue Leader braucht das Land: In diesen Tagen voll Unsicherheit, existentieller Fragen, Belastungen und Herausforderungen, und von bedeutenden Veränderungen, brauchen Organisationen verantwortliche Führung wie selten zuvor.

Ich glaube, daß wir als Führungskräfte heute eine einmalige Gelegenheit und eine wichtige Verantwortung haben, über uns selbst hinauszuwachsen, um gemeinsam eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu gestalten. Laßt uns gemeinsam die Ärmel hochkrempeln und unsere Organisationen neu gestalten, um unsere Wirtschaft und Welt positiv zu verändern.

"We are not leaders, because we rule. We are leaders, because we truly care."

Der Versuch einer deutschen Übersetzung meiner Präsentation beim #STRETCH2020 Virtual Summit.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

What’s Love Gotta Do With It?
December 07, 2020
In these days of anxiety, of big questions, of challenges and pressures, of risks and opportunities and of momentous redefinitions, organisations need guidance. Business leaders have a unique opportunity — and also a responsibility — to step “beyond” themselves, and also to support each other with lessons learned and new ideas, to shape a more sustainable future. We are not leaders, because we rule. We are leaders, because we truly care.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Enlivening Edge
December 01, 2020
Are you a good leader? In case you are emphatically nodding, how would you know? Regrettably, it has become increasingly difficult to discern what “good Leadership” actually means.
Alas, Leadership, however defined, appears — at least partly — detrimental to our society. A recent paper examining “transformational Leadership” concludes: “Much of the damage done to organizations has resulted from arrogant, unethical behaviour of corporate leaders”...

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Tags: Agile, Culture, Leadership

Agile 2.0: Uniting Leaders to Craft the Organisations of The Future
October 25, 2020
Based on a previous presentation at Fintech 2020 - recording available here. Slides available here.

It is a great pleasure to be here with you and a privilege to speak to such a reputable audience in one of Europe’s leading business schools. I am very impressed by EDHEC’s extensive corporate partnerships as well as your global reach, both of which I strongly believe are key enablers to having true impact on the "way the world does business" today.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, HR, Agile

1 Board Membership
Member Board of Directors
ING Business Shared Services BV
August 01, 2018
IBSS is ING's global shared services operations unit, providing technology and operational services to ING Bank and its subsidiaries. IBSS operates multiple service hubs with 5000+ employees in locations across Europe and Asia.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Leadership

2 Book Chapters
Letting go of leadership: A hopeful utopia for corporate realists
February 15, 2022
The ‘leadership myth’ serves as a strong individual and social defence mechanism to repress own anxieties, helplessness or fear of failure and instead projects these onto prominent leadership figures as ‘containers’. Moreover, the leaders’ “proposed worldview and self-concept appeal to individuals with high levels of personal uncertainty” and sustain a toxic “illusio”. Many organisations seek to liberate traditional bureaucracies with agile, empowered or entrepreneurial practices, often combining family and market metaphors (and democratic and visionary leadership styles) and extrapolating best practices from allegedly ‘enlightened’ businesses. Leadership is shared and contextual, and employees act virtuously with self-determination and relational trust in teams. The organisation embraces deeply regenerative relationships inside and outside the business, to serve a good society. Embracing a neo-virtuous paradigm, excellence in leadership is to enable the interdependent flourishing of the whole. Two centuries ago, enlightened great-great-grandfathers liberated the world from the shackles of religious dogma.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Adventures in Reinventing Work - Tales of Pioneers from Around the World
Teal Around the World GmbH
December 14, 2021
This book explores the personal journeys of pioneers who are creating and transforming organizations to not only generate profits, but to also enable a future that empowers and uplifts all of humanity.

In reading these stories, you will get to know fourteen people and organizations from all over the world, small startups and large multinationals. You will understand their challenges, their successes, and gain a glimpse into how organizations are evolving to the demands of a complex, rapidly changing world.

If you are interested in conducting your own experiments with better ways of managing and working, this book will give you inspiration. It also provides actionable ideas and simple practices to help you get started and move forward.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

1 Citation
Thrive In The Future of Work (Kevin Empey)
Oak Tree Press
July 01, 2021
THRIVE in the Future of Work provides a journey through the realities, implications and solutions for the rapidly changing world of work we live in today. It is a practical account of what we know so far from those who are already there - and it is both a guide and an invitation for you to explore what your own path will be towards Future of Work readiness and fulfillment.

Endorsement by Otti Vogt: Agility, as we often say, is about “getting best at getting better”. Yet, enabling organisational agility at scale is not easy. It requires deliberate examination of our structures, processes, cultures and mindsets – as well as mature and engaged employees. Kevin’s stimulating book, full of insights and practical advice, is a thought-provoking invitation for the leaders of the future to embark on a purposeful learning journey towards enterprise agility. Start now, and start small; find your “buddy group”; get the right talents; and, together, let us ensure we will truly thrive, rather than just survive, in the “future of work”!

ING case study p.191/192

See publication

Tags: Agile, Change Management, Future of Work

14 Keynotes
Leaders for Humanity and The Future of Work [HR Congress World Summit 2022]
HR Congress
December 12, 2022
Crafting the "work of the future" requires, above all, a change in our thinking. "If you are on the road to hell, don't go faster!" In order to avoid "functional stupidity", we need to examine our societal and business narratives and reconnect to a more fundamental sense of meaning and ethics. This requires a new type of wise "leaders for humanity" who are willing to re-examine organisational purposes, goals, policies, processes, structures and cultures, to ensure we actualise our best human potential work, as part of a good life.

Please find more information and recordings from the HR Congress World Summit 2022 here:
More information about the "Good Organisation" inquiry:

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Tags: CSR, Digital Transformation, Leadership

EUDAIMOCRACY: ALIVE THROUGH WORK - 2021 China Organisational Evolution Forum (Otti Vogt)
China Organisational Evolution Forum 2021
October 20, 2021
EUDAIMOCRACY: ALIVE THROUGH WORK - Crafting Good Organisations For a Sustainable Future

As organisational transformers and business leaders we must ask ourselves some tough questions: Why are we really here? What legacy do we want to leave for future generations? What role do we want our organisations to play? Only if we are crystal clear on our purpose and our business ethics can we try to determine how to craft such better organisations. And only if we know what "better organisations" look like can we then seek to understand who we, as leaders and organisational citizens, need to become to make them real.

A first attempt at drafting a new "European model" of good organisations, beyond Agile and Teal, based on Aristotelian virtue ethics - by Otti Vogt and Antoinette Weibel.

Presented live at the China Organisational Evolution Forum in October 2021

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Evolution Towards TEAL Organization and the Role of Leadership in Supporting the Journey | Otti Vogt
The HR Congress
April 08, 2021
This inspiring session with Otti Vogt is a highly engaging keynote, which will look at a new normal where we all could make a difference through our daily work, and unite us to spark the fifth revolution of virtuous, passionate, and unselfish leadership.

About Otti Vogt:
Disruptive thinker, amateur poet, unacknowledged internet entrepreneur and passionate global C-level transformation leader with over 20 years of experience in implementing strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex organisations and in building global high performing teams to deliver sustainable shareholder value and happiness@work. Proven track record in P&L management, business transformation and M&A, service and technology operations, innovation and product management, risk and control management, outsourcing.

In “Good” company – Purpose, Agility and Leadership to craft the Organisations for the future

More information about masterclasses:

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Utopia for Corporate Realists: Why TEAL is WRONG
March 04, 2021
Presentation at the global Teal Around The World conference 2021 - how can we further evolve the TEAL paradigm to craft human-centric and agile learning organisations

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Beyond Agile — How to Craft Better Organisations?
January 14, 2021
Transcript of my marginally updated presentation on the evolution of Agile learning organisations, with more details on Performance Management and OKRs — supporting a stimulating dialogue and knowledge exchange with the executive Leaders of a world-leading agile engineering and technology company

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Beyond Agile: What's Love Gotta Do With It?
craft hub
December 03, 2020
In times of historic change, we must have the courage to re-design our organisations, embracing uncertainty and enabling human flourishing at work. The companies that will win in the 2020ies are those that can “compete on learning” and provide a place where people can grow and attain a positive purpose together, rather than just driving efficiency and productivity. And we need leaders who can foster psychological safety and trust - in Humanocracies, “the business of business is people.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Evolution towards TEAL organization and the role of leadership in supporting the journey
November 19, 2020
Future of Work and Leadership

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Talking About a Fifth Revolution - FinTech Summit 2020
September 29, 2020
The must-attend online event for the Finance and FinTech community. Live keynote talks, interactive exhibition hall and networking lounges - all hosted live on a virtual platform. Free to attend for end users working in the industry - join us from anywhere in the world.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Leading Agile Transformation
Allan Lloyds - 11th Annual Operational & Back Office Excellence in Banking Summit
September 16, 2020
Leading Agile Transformation
Traditional management practices have often treated employees like
cogs in a machine. Today, facing ever more uncertain environments,
companies need to “compete on learning” – which requires significant
changes in management and leadership. Yet, up to 70% of Agile transformations
fail. So what should Agile leaders do in order to drive sustainable
success? I will argue that leaders will often need to work through
personal developmental transformation in order to become a catalyst for
the development of others. And I will share some tales from our own.
• Agile principles
• Agile leadership through personal and organisational
• Agile leadership tools
• ING’s experience with Agile in delivery and back office
Chief Operating Officer

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Talking About a Fifth Revolution - Teal Around The World Global Conference
July 08, 2020
Uniting Responsible Leaders To Craft The Organisations Of The Future

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Talking About a Fifth Revolution - People R-Evolution
People R-Evolution
July 05, 2020
Uniting Leaders to Craft the Organisations of the Future
A perilous journey towards six “ports of reflection” along our journey. These relate to the why – our Values; the what – organisations, Individuals, Teams; and finally, the how – Leadership, from purpose to wider impact.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Talkin' About A (Fifth) Revolution
June 20, 2020
Liberating the woman in every leader to craft the Organisations of the Future

This current crisis is bonding us all together, like never before, and is allowing us to collectively pause and reflect: Could we imagine a new normal where we all make a difference to people and planet through our daily work? Could we liberate our organisations to bring forth a more sustainable future? And indeed, can we unite to spark a fifth revolution of virtuous, passionate and unselfish leadership to make it happen? Join me on a momentous adventure to give it a try!

Let us spark a Fifth Revolution to reverberate from heart to heart across the planet, to reconnect humanity and recover better, recover stronger, recover together!

This presentation was offered as part of the global WomenH2H Conference on 20 & 21 June 2020

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Change Management

Agile Learning Organisations 2.0
June 01, 2020
Agile 2.0: An Arduous Journey Towards Agile Learning Organisations Of The Future

"Organisations of the future require a new paradigm: from analysing and optimising organisations as “deterministic machines”, we are starting to acknowledge organisations as a “living organism”, with minds and hearts and souls. Where individuals and communities experience and develop together, where wonder and love have their place as much as science and efficiency. Where leaders are able to grasp all the colours of life’s “spiral dynamics” and spark and integrate all the energy and creativity and beauty that organisations can generate, becoming themselves part of an interconnected evolutionary system. And where profits rather than a solitary goal become a dynamic feedback mechanism to nudge such an ever-evolutionary system towards its emergent purpose."

Future agile organisations will be more human-centric with higher purpose, competing on learning, enabling co-creation in more adaptive and fluid structures, with a fearless culture and transformational leaders. HR plays a critical role in supporting and enabling a pilgrimage of learning to build back better. This is an updated version of a presentation first offered at the Digital HR Innovation Week #DHRIS2020.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Agile, Change Management

Save The World And Still Be Home For Dinner
June 01, 2020
A Strenuous Voyage of Responsible Leadership to Reshape Our Future

This is the evolving transcript of a presentation offered at the global RESHAPE20 Virtual Summit, building on my previous article on Agile Learning Organisations.

We have created a seductively materialistic and individualistic narrative in our western society, where self-interested growth, productivity and stock prices have become ends in themselves. In the future, personal and organisational success must transcend a quest for money and shareholder value.

This current crisis is bonding us all together, like never before, and is allowing us to collectively reflect: could we learn to make a difference, to people and planet, through our daily work? Can we maybe reshape our organisations to bring forth a more sustainable future? And, indeed, could we save the world and still be home for dinner? Join me on a momentous adventure to give it a try!

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Tags: Agile, Change Management, Leadership

1 Miscellaneous
Book Project: Good Organisations
December 31, 2021
For decades, leaders have been trying to fix the mess they have created. Despite numerous initiatives, from Human Potential to Agility, the suffering, inequality and damaging of our planet appears to continue. We believe it is time for a new approach. The “anything goes” narrative of our postmodern world cannot be uphold. Our economy is not separate from society. Our life is not separate from work. We need to relearn to put humanity first and operationalise honor and virtues in our management practices.

Antoinette Weibel (Professor, University of St. Gallen) and Otti Vogt (formerly, COO C&G, ING) are launching a new book project to explore important management questions of our time.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

8 Panels
Role of The Chief Transformation Officer
Project Management Institute (PMI)
September 22, 2022
In this research, Project Management Institute (PMI) and Accenture examine how the individuals who take on the emerging role of Chief Transformation Officer drive effective enterprise transformation and ultimately build a company-wide “changing capability.” Our findings also illuminate the skills and talents a Chief Transformation Officer needs to excel, and the conditions that set them up for success.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

FreethinkersCorner Global Launch Conference
Good Organisations
September 12, 2022
#FREETHINKERSCORNER GLOBAL LAUNCH CONFERENCE: How To Radically Innovate Our Workplace & Elevate Humans And Business?

Have you ever tried to navigate the rough seas of organizational transformation? Then you know that the wisdom of practice often beats the best theory and good intentions!

If you have always been looking for an opportunity to engage, talk and compare notes with seasoned professionals, colleagues and friends from all around the globe – about what it really (really, really) means to successfully enable organizational transformation and spark the human spirit for a better society and planet…

... this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet some of the most outstanding transformational movers and shakers in the community. With -

* The very best STORIES from the “coal face” of transformation!
* 20+ Leading-edge FREETHINKERS who are passionate about building “good organisations”
* Tried & tested PRACTICAL TOOLS for corporate transformers in every session
* Flexible 90-minute sessions including 30 minutes COMMUNITY SPACE in every session

DON’T MISS OUT! Registration now open on the website to join the discussion live on Zoom and LinkedIn!

#leadership #personaldevelopment #GoodOrganisations #transformation #eudaimocracy #ethics #excellence #management #teal #agile #UniteForGood

The conference is hosted by Antoinette Weibel and Otti Vogt and organized in partnership with University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Future of Work Chain Conversation
Future of Work 24
April 15, 2021
We want to move from a place of theorizing and talking about the philosophical aspects of new ways of working, to experimenting, creating and putting it into action.

Architecting our future warrants a sense of urgency, agency, togetherness and action, so we’re inviting practitioners to join us on this co-creation journey to learn, explore and build new ways of working on May 7-8 2021.

We’re excited for the unexpected discoveries, ideas, stories, insights and conversations that will emerge around building actionable tools that can be applied to our practices, every day.

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Tags: Agile, Future of Work, Leadership

Thought Leaders 2021: Diffusion - how to create movements of change
Implement Consulting Group
March 25, 2021
Creating organisations fit for humans & fit for the future - Join 10000+ attendees to unravel two of the most pressing questions of our time, in company of some of the greatest thinkers and doers:
- What is the biggest worthwhile problem we can solve?
- How do we make change feel more like a movement?
Purpose of the "Diffusion" panel conversation is to highlight the crucial moment when a movement grows to something bigger than a team, what to pay attention to, what might be struggles to not fall into old habits. Dialogue with with Susan Salzbrenner (Implementers), Zahed Kamathia (LEGO) and Otti Vogt (ING).

See publication

Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Agility in Human Resources
Hacking HR
March 11, 2021
2021 Global Online Conference HR Innovation and the Future of Work
25000 registered attendees
Hacking HR

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Panel Discussion - Purpose, Passion, Compassion - rethinking the future enterprise
November 19, 2020
By Tom Van Der Lubbe Viisionair & Co-Founder, Viisi | Hypotheken, Lara Bezerra Former Chief Purpose Officer, Roche, Antoinette Weibel Professor, Chair of Personnel Management, University of St.Gallen, Timm Urschinger CoFounder and CEO - LIVEsciences, Otti Vogt COO and Chief Transformation Officer C&G - ING

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Tags: Agile, Future of Work, Leadership

Driving digital transformation through strategic HR
November 19, 2020
On the 19th November, join the HRD Community for a fully virtual exploration of Channelling Dynamic Disruption – inside and outside your organisation.
A panel discussion with Salvador Malo, Rafael Pinterich and Soumyasanto Sen.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, HR

How to Make Your Operation Resilient to Future Shocks
London Business School
May 29, 2020
Alex Yang, Associate Professor of Management Science and Operations, Michael Davies, Guest Lecturer in Strategy & Entrepreneurship, and Otti Vogt, COO, ING Bank C&G region

What does it take to create a resilient operation that is capable of withstanding future shocks? How do you get the right balance between efficiency and reliability in your core activities?

This session will feature brief presentations from three experts and a roundtable discussion chaired by Julian Birkinshaw. Alex Yang and Michael Davies will share insights into the underlying concepts of resilience and agility, and why companies often struggle to respond effectively to external shocks. Otti Vogt will share his perspective as a senior executive in ING Bank.

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Tags: Agile, Business Continuity, Leadership

3 Speaking Engagements
Episode 19: The Fifth Revolution
April 14, 2021
15 April 2021 Otti Vogt and Danielle Grant discuss "The Fifth Revolution," a topic that is increasingly important for the health of our organisations. What is the Fifth Revolution? As Otti puts it, after the fourth revolution focused on technology and change, we need a humanistic revolution focused on moral leadership. Otti is Chief Operating Officer and Chief Transformation Officer at ING.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Beyond Agile: Evolution Towards Teal and the Role of Servant Leadership
The HR Congress
November 23, 2020
I hope ours will become a decade of HR. In these days of anxiety, big questions, challenges and pressures, and momentous re-definitions organisations need guidance. HR has a real opportunity to become that guide, as a critical friend and partner, with a cool head and a burning heart. Yet, many of the topics we are discussing at our Congress have been around for many years and now is the time to execute. We got our toes in the water but now we really need to pull through...

Let us together roll up our sleeves and jointly re-imagine our organisations for positive impact. Let us spark a Fifth Revolution to recover better, recover stronger, recover together! We are not leaders, because we rule. We are leaders, because we truly care.

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Tags: Leadership, HR, Agile

Transformation Universe Podcast: ING's Otti Vogt about Agility, the future of Organizational Learning and Consciousness
Transformation Universe
November 16, 2020
"Organizational Learning is a team Sport that can lead to collective learning and evolution at scale."

Christina and Daniel exchanging thoughts with leading-edge thinker Otti Vogt, one of the though leaders in agile organizational development, TED Speaker and secret poet.

Otti is an disruptive thinker, passionate global C-level transformation leader with over 20 years of experience in cross-cultural strategic change.

You can look forward to deep insights about agile transformations, the role of leadership and personal growth.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

27 Webinars
May 06, 2022
At Simon Western's Eco-Leadership Institute we briefly present our current thinking about a new theory of leadership development, focused on practical wisdom. We seek to integrate traditional skill development, psychodynamics and cognitive development, as well as moral development.

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Tags: Change Management, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Emanuele Quintarelli: Pioneering New Ways To Organise
Good Organisations
April 29, 2022
There is much discussion about new models for modern non-bureaucractic organisations - from holacracy and sociocracy to adhocracy, humanocracy, agile and Rendanheyi. With Emanuele we will seek to disentangle these new and diverse forms and explore how they link to ethical design principles, as well as discuss the maturity and limits of their application.

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Tags: Agile, Business Strategy, Leadership

Teal Around the World GmbH
April 29, 2022
At the global "Teal Summit" 2022 we present our latest thinking about a new theory of Good Organisations. At its core is a new purpose for better business: "GoodOrganisations seek to develop our highest human potential in support of the good life and sustainable prosperity of all – carefully developing organisational routines that enable meaningful work, generative and co-elevating communities, sustainable products & services."

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with André Habisch: Leadership and The Art of Practical Wisdom
Good Organisations
April 22, 2022
In our fascinating discussion, we explored with André the institutional and cultural embeddedness of entrepreneurship — focussing especially on the role of entrepreneurs in Germany’s post-war period, as well as the outstanding success of the German Chambers of Commerce and its vocational apprenticeship model. Moreover, we reviewed concept and importance of practical wisdom in leadership development, as well as the role of religion and spirituality in a“good life” - and discussed whether moral norms are in contradiction with modern pluralism.

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Tags: CSR, Innovation, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Simon Western: A Quest for Eco-centric Leadership
Good Organisations
April 08, 2022
In our highly stimulating interview, we discuss with Simon the implications of critical management theory and his research in social movements, his in-depth revision of salient historical leadership discourses and the challenges with new and systemic leadership approaches. Building on Simon’s personal experience we also centred on the relevance of psychodynamics and morality, and the opportunity to re-enchant our work and lives.

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Bill Torbert: The Powerful Art of Action Inquiry
Good Organisations
April 01, 2022
In our interview, we discuss with Bill how to practice “action inquiry” in order to transform ourselves individually and collectively, and become good leaders of ourselves and others. We review the “action logics” - Bill’s framework for the development of mental paradigms, and investigate how organisations and academia can contribute to increase our capacity to reflect and act wisely. And we also hear about Bill’s ontological perspective on science and the nature of time — a session not to be missed!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Paul Adler: Capitalism Has Failed- Can Democratic Socialism Save Our World
Good Organisations
March 25, 2022
In our interview, we discuss with Paul the symptoms of the 99% economy and explore how can we learn from both past and present to mitigate the crises of neoliberal capitalism; we review modern “high ground” organisations like Kaiser Permanente and deep dive into the configuration and challenges of a highly participative “strategising” process; and learn why bureaucracy will not disappear any time soon. Finally, based on his extensive inquiry into both political and organisational theory and practice, Paul develops his alternative model of democratic socialism.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Hari Tsoukas: Bridging Morality and Management
Good Organisations
March 18, 2022
In our interview, we discuss with Hari the connections between ethics, organisations and leadership — investigating into multiple theoretical and philosophical perspectives on organisations-as-institutions, the relevance of strategy as a virtuous process, the importance of reflection-in-action, business ethics, and dialogic approaches to knowledge creation and system thinking.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Blaine Fowers: An Emergent Theory of Natural Ethics
Good Organisations
March 11, 2022
In our interview we had an intriguing dialogue about Blaine’s in-depth investigation into evolutionary theory seeking to bring Aristotle’s notion of “essentially human” excellence to live. Moreover, his research and teaching combines insights from psychology and philosophy — especially virtue ethics - to further enrich our understanding of how to lead a “good life”, at and beyond work.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Bruno Frey: Happiness and Economics
Good Organisations
February 25, 2022
In our interview with Bruno we move beyond organisations and ethics to investigate public choice theory, the relevance of happiness in Economics and the importance of institutions. Bruno extends economics beyond standard neo-classics by including insights from other disciplines — like political science, psychology and sociology — and advances a number of highly innovative suggestions.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Alejo Sison: Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business
Good Organisations
February 18, 2022
Virtue ethics has been around for more than two millennia. Until recently confined mostly to tedious academic seminars or discourses between catholic priests, Aristotle's theory today is living a veritable renaissance. We discuss with Alejo how virtues have become a credible proposition for modern business, what we can learn from MacIntyre's After Virtues, and what it means to build a "common goods company".

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Carol Sanford: The Regenerative Paradigm - Creating A Better Future For All
Good Organisations
February 11, 2022
In our interview, we explore Carol’s perspective on paradigms and critical thinking, on the concept of “regenerative business” and how organisations can transform, and her thoughts on “nodal roles” that we can all adopt in our lives to enable positive change. Carol is convinced that all progress starts with eduction: when we start to truly adopt a “living system” paradigm, our lives and businesses will develop.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Alicia Hennig: Virtue Ethics in Business - Do We Need Philosopher CEOs?
Good Organisations
February 04, 2022
In our interview, we especially focus on business ethics as a discipline, comparing notions of virtues across philosophical systems and touching on Confucianism and Daoism; and we also looked at modern organisational models like “Rendanheyi” in Haier — whilst touching on Alicia’s personal experience of living in China.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Stefano Zamagni: The Passionate Quest for a Civil Economy -Of Markets, Money and Morality
Good Organisations
January 28, 2022
In our interview Stefan explains the paradigm of the “Civil Economy”, building on early European and Italian Economic theory, Christian values and the work of many renowned economists and political science researchers — from Amartya Sen to Elinor Ostrom, Joseph Stiglitz to Robert Putnam and many others.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Margit Osterloh: Stop the Crooks! The Case for Virtuous Organisations
Good Organisations
January 17, 2022
In our interview Margit clarifies why shareholder capitalism is not sufficient; the importance of institutional ethics and how dialogue needs to be embedded in an institutional framework — touching on the relevance of power and procedural fairness; the difficulty to maintain corporate commons in large businesses; what we can learn from Athenian democracy and monasteries; and why academia has often abandoned the right path.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Leaders for Humanity with Henry Mintzberg: The Urgent Case for Rebalancing Society
Good Organisations
January 14, 2022
Henry is an outspoken critique of today’s "Corporate Society", advocating instead a Rebalanced Society which is — in his own words — made up of “a public sector of political forces rooted in respected governments, a private sector of economic forces based on responsible businesses, and a plural sector of social forces manifested in robust communities”.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

Finding Good Companies – Antoinette Weibel and Otti Vogt
Erno Hannink
November 21, 2021
How to develop good organisations

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Management for Radicals: Is there (still) merit in meritocracy?
Management for Radicals
July 29, 2021
It started out as a good idea: battling widespread nepotism and privilege by aristocracy, meritocracy sought to ensure that economic goods and political power are allocated on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class. But is it still working today?

Maybe not. We have created an ARISTOCRACY OF TALENT, Adrian Wooldridge argues in his new book, suggesting that we need to upgrade policies and admission tests to ensure the system is not further skewed by a new feudal class of the rich and powerful.

Conversely, Michael Sandel suggests in TYRANNY OF MERIT, that meritocracy is simply the wrong idea: it generates hubris among "winners and losers" in an age of globalisation and rising inequality. We must overcome the polarized politics of our time, he says, and rethink our attitudes toward success and failure, reemphasise the role of luck in human affairs, and become more conducive to an ethic of humility and a politics of the common good.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Crafting Human-centric transformations
July 27, 2021
Are you a good leader? And are you leading good organizations? What is the relationship between doing good, being good and profits? In a world where 80% of employees feel disengaged and many don’t trust their leaders, how can leaders drive positive and lasting change?

Good transformations always begin with honest reflection and change at individual level, and lead to an intentional redesign of how we build and run our organizations. Join me for a trans-disciplinary conversation to draw upon inspiration from sociology, psychology, complexity and philosophy. And to reflect upon learnings from crafting human-centric transformations at the "cold face" for 25 years whilst seeking to implement strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex enterprises.

I am much looking forward to joining Yavnika Khanna and the #Brightline team from #PMI for a certainly thought-provoking conversation!

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

LinkedIn Live
July 02, 2021

According to some, "50% of all jobs will be replaced by robots and 35% of existing jobs are at risk of automation in the next 20 years". BCG predicts that by 2025, up to "a quarter of jobs will be replaced by either smart software or robots". Some researchers maintain that “65% of the future professions of people entering primary school today do not even yet exist." At the same time, 70% of adults identify with their work...

Join Michele Zanini (co-author, Humanocracy) and Otti Vogt (former COO C&G, ING) for another unscripted, unfiltered conversation and a hopeful eulogy and requiem of work. How should organisations react? What works and more importantly what doesn’t—in how we lead, manage, and organize.

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

MANAGEMENT FOR RADICALS - Humanizing Work and Cutting Through Management BS
Michele Zanini
June 25, 2021
"We're 20% into the 21st century, and yet the vast majority of our organizations continue to run 20th-century management operating systems that squander a colossal amount of human potential. It's time for a reboot!"

Join Michele Zanini (co-author, Humanocracy) and Otti Vogt (former COO C&G, ING) for an unscripted, unfiltered conversation about what works—and more importantly what doesn’t—in how we lead, manage, and organize.

CALENDAR: Friday 25th June 10:00 – 11:00 ET / 16:00 - 17:00 CET
LINKEDIN LIVE: Sign-up here

#management #work #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leaders #hr #culture #change #transformation #purpose #teal #agile #humanocracy #personaldevelopment #koc #grli #organisationalchange #organisationaldevelopment #strategy #futureofwork #futureofleadership #radicalmanagement

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Leading Audacious Change Moving through resistance - at the level of Organisations - with Otti Vogt
Leading Audacious Change
June 04, 2021
In this episode I am speaking with Otti Vogt. According to his LinkedIN handle he is passionate about Igniting the Human Spark to Build Better Businesses & Sustainable Futures.

Until March 2021, Otti was the COO and Chief Transformation Officer for ING’s Challenger & Growth business line. ING is a Top 6 Eurozone Bank by market cap and the C&G line serves 27m retail and wholesale customers in 12 countries. ING is a fairly well-known case study of agile transformation, some of my clients even did a real-life excursion to the Netherlands learn from their both successful and failed experiments.

Prior to that he was the MD for Global Vertical Industries at British Telecom, BT, where he spent over a decade of his international career. Otti speaks five languages!

What really makes Otti special is the combination of his deep intellectual understanding and hands-on experience with what many people call New Work: agile working methods, Teal Organisations, Holacracy, Sociocacy and other forms of self-organisation.

The content is very dense and we cover a lot of ground with many references and name dropping, which underpins Otti’s architecture of thinking and practicing. You’ll find these in the show notes.

We talk about:
- the innovator’s dilemma
- the corporate immune system
- the role of leadership in change
- why and how resistance often starts at the top
- why in this decade a sense and response approach is much needed

Otti gives some practical advice to our podcast personas, Michael and Michaela, on how to move through resistance within the organisations they are leading.

You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) – or homework if you like – which comes right after the conversation with Charlotte at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership, Agile

Crafting Agile Learning Organisations for the 21st Century
March 16, 2021
#Innov8rs Connect on Culture, Talent and Teams

When old playbooks no longer work, what does "leadership" mean in times of disruption? How can we lead *for* innovation? How can we transform our organizations to be able to sense and respond?

These are just some of the questions we'll seek to answer during the upcoming #Innov8rs Connect on Culture, Talent and Teams (16-19 March). I am very pleased to join some eminent thought leaders like Ian Forshew, Odharnait Ansbro, Cris Beswick, Steve Wyatt Phd., Heiko Fischer, Shannon Lucas, Tracey Lovejoy and Sean Ammirati, Paul Cobban and Mohan Nair. Check the full agenda via

You can also join the conversation at

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

The Hacking HR Podcast
Hacking HR
February 04, 2021
Otti is a disruptive thought leader with over 20 years of experience in implementing strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex businesses and in crafting human-centric learning organizations. He is passionate about personal and organizational transformation.

Apple Podcasts:
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Pocket Casts:

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

#17 Beyond Agile: Organisational and individual transformation with Otti Vogt
Suzie Lewis
December 14, 2020
The maturity of an organisation can never transcend the maturity and consciousness of its leaders..

In this episode of Let’s talk Otti and I have a great discussion about the “fifth revolution”. We discuss transforming leadership for the 21st century, ambidextrous organisations, and the ability of agile organisations to respond more effectively and more resiliently. Looking at the effects of this crisis, which has caused us all to pause and reflect on our definitions of success, we also discuss the notion of more human centric and purposeful organisations, where the need to develop moral agency to continually evaluate what we’re doing, who we are and what we want to be is key. Happiness goes way beyond the bottom line.

Otti shares his wealth of insight, experience and thought leadership on these important subjects.

The main insights you get from this episode : sustainable transformation requires continuous self-adaptation by an organisation, its leaders and its employees: this means embracing learning and focussing on a human-centred approach to change 'ambidextrous' organisations must be able to improve whilst exploring new avenues, thereby fostering creativity and challenging the status quo (cf. deliberately developmental organisations, DDO) COVID has brought about both analysis of and modification to structures, but it has also drawn attention to the importance of resilience and purpose alongside the issue of digital acceleration digital technology has brought increased flexibility yet also fatigue, blurred boundaries and communication difficulties, and a balance must be struck during this constantly evolving situation self-organised leadership must invest in the growth and wellbeing of its individuals to really build an agile community that both collaborates with and cares for all stakeholders the old adage of success being defined by ascending the linear career path must make way for transpersonal leadership that creates value and sets great store by moral agency regenerative and interdependent models of leadership are mindful of core values and support co-elevation - attributes that will be essential in the 'next normal' (during and post-COVID) a 'humanocracy' would enable us to find kindness and compassion in the workplace, to change the culture and allow everyone to be and feel involved and valued, functioning as one for the benefit of all the present and future call for emotional intelligence; we must reconsider who we are and what we do, reflect and grow and look after ourselves and each other - happiness goes beyond the bottom line

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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Leadership

1 Whitepaper
KPMG Board Leadership News 01/2022: The Scientific View. Stop The Suffering: “Good Organizations” Wanted
March 01, 2022
We have formulated initial hypotheses about “Good Organisations” and “Good Leadership”, building on many of the discussions during our Leaders of Humanity Season 1 interviews.Some of our thinking was picked up by others, including Haufe Group and KPMG.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

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