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Linda Grasso

Chief Executive Officer at DeltalogiX

Napoli, Italy

Founder & CEO @DeltalogiX | Engineer | Digital Creator & Tech Influencer | #EmpoweringWomen | Innovation Manager & Sustainability Advocate

Available For: Authoring, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Italy
Speaking Topics: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technologies, Women Empowerment, Business Strategy, Innovation & Engineering

Linda Grasso Points
Academic 0
Author 14
Influencer 1264
Speaker 1
Entrepreneur 10
Total 1289

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.01
Big Data
Blockchain 30.07
Business Strategy
Climate Change
Cybersecurity 30.08
Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation 30.14
Diversity and Inclusion
Emerging Technology 30.20
Future of Work
Innovation 30.35
IoT 30.05
Leadership 30.02
Privacy 30.08
Renewable Energy 32.28
RPA 30.80
Supply Chain
Sustainability 30.16

Industry Experience

Engineering & Construction
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


11 Article/Blogs
Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation: what are they?
October 12, 2021
Some people use them as synonyms, but Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation are not the same thing. They indicate different steps that guide the company on the path to create digital innovation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership

Globalization 4.0 – The role and impact on the economy of emerging technologies in the paradigm of Globalization 4.0
November 22, 2020
The phenomenon of globalization starts from afar, and includes significant changes in the economic and social relationship amongst people, companies, and institutions. We are all part of the process, which sees the shortening of distances and the standardization of lifestyles combined with an increasingly global presence of certain economic subjects.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, RPA

The Energy Transition to ensure A Sustainable Future
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March 31, 2020
The phenomenon of global warming seems to become more and more looming in today’s era, where industrialization evolves as part of a…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Sustainability, Renewable Energy

Umanità: La Chiave per Affrontare 3 Comuni Sfide dell’Automazione
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February 21, 2020
La Robotic Process Automation (RPA) è un tipo di tecnologia che consente ad un programma software di eseguire attività ripetitive durante…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: RPA

Women In Tech — Successes & Challenges
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January 29, 2020
Digital Transformation represents a paradigm shift that is revolutionising almost every field. We have to be aware and prepared for …Continue reading on Medium »

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December 02, 2019
The blockchain is a cryptographic technology that decentralises the processing of transactions. It can be used to…Continue reading on The IOT Magazine »

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Tags: Blockchain, IoT

Ruolo ed impatto sull’economia delle tecnologie emergenti nel paradigma della globalizzazione 4.0
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November 22, 2019
Il fenomeno della globalizzazione parte da lontano e comprende significativi cambiamenti nella relazione economica e sociale…Continue reading on Medium »

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IoT & IIoT in Real Life
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September 25, 2019
Welcome to the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), a rapidly emerging technology that is transforming our lives. IoT refers to objects and devices which interact with other people and objects by exchanging data. In this context, objects can connect to the network, communicate their status and dat

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Tags: IoT

La Convergenza di RPA e AI nell’Automazione dei Processi Aziendali
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August 09, 2019
La Convergenza di RPA e IA nell’Automazione dei Processi AziendaliLa Business Process Automation (o BPA) mira ad automatizzare un processo aziendale utilizzando la tecnologia. L’obiettivo principale è quello di ottimizzare l’esecuzione del processo, risparmiando tempo e costi. L’iniezione d

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

Research & Development for Tech Innovation in 4.0 Businesses
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July 23, 2019
Research and Development activities are those such that businesses spend their resources on certain investigative undertakings in an effort to make discoveries which can help developing new products or offering new services or working towards enhancing pre-existing products or processes. These activ

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Tags: Innovation

Cyber Security Strategies in Digitally Transforming World
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July 12, 2019
In the age of Digital Transformation, Cyber Security is an ever-present threat. As you become digitized, your business will become more connected, which means you’ll have to open up your IT systems to allow interoperability and the exchange of information flows. If you don’t secure your systems,

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Tags: Cybersecurity

1 Executive
Chief Executive Officer - DeltalogiX
April 01, 2021

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Tags: Renewable Energy

1 Media Interview
The 3D's of Digital Transformation - Linda Grasso on Engati CX
Engati CX
April 27, 2020
In this episode of Engati CX, we're joined by COO of Digital Business Innovation, Linda Grasso. Linda strongly believes in empowering Women in Tech. She is an experienced Management Engineer in the world of digital transformation. We discuss the process behind Digital Transformation. Why is Innovation important? And how to understand a customer's desires through conversational intelligence. We also discuss a cause that's very important to Linda, and that's sustainability and inclusivity in the workplace.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

1 Panel
Women Bring Immense Value to Cybersecurity
July 04, 2020
Five leading ladies recently lent their voices at Huawei’s Online Panel to express their thoughts on the value of women’s representation in the cybersecurity industry. The inspiring webinar was hosted by Huawei Canada on July 8. From closing the gender gap to women’s role in building a safer digital world and bringing in more women across the ranks, the panel discussed various findings and shared insights.

The virtual panel was moderated by Catherine Clark, the co-founder of The Honest Talk. Panelists include:
- Olivera Zatezalo, Chief Security Officer, Huawei Canada
- Hélène Deschamps Marquis, Partner & National Leader, Data Privacy and Cyber Security Law Practice, of Deloitte Legal Canada
- Sally Eaves, Founder & CEO, Aspirational Futures (UK)
- Linda Grasso, Chief Operating Officer, Digital Business Innovation Srl (Italy)

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Innovation, Privacy

1 Podcast
From Engineer to Chief Operating Officer with COO Linda Grasso | Ep 21
The Digital Executive
March 28, 2020
Chief Operating Officer and technology guru, Linda Grasso, joins Coruzant Technologies for the Digital Executive podcast. She talks about her role in setting strategic direction for her company, and leading by example in empowering women in leadership and STEM.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Innovation

1 Quote
Artificial intelligence for digital voice transformation
September 21, 2020
In a futuristic vision, technology can make the difference and bring the customer experience paradigm to a new level. The adoption of a smart platform helps understanding the voice of customers.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Ecosystems

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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Linda Grasso