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Gina Panayiotou

London, England, United States

ESG Strategist | Branding the industry that makes the go round I Secretary WISTA UK | Seatrade Maritime Club UK Ambassador |"Top Maritime Influencer"| 20under40 I Lawyer I Speaker I Broadcaster I Writer.

ESG is as an opportunity to shine and I am passionate about helping businesses formulate the perfect strategy from inception, implementation, communication & brand positioning, to illuminate their purpose!

- Proudest moments: Speaking at the IMO - Featured in Legal 500, GC Powerlist (Greece & Cyprus), Top 100 - Young Leader Award - Admitted to the Bar Association - MBA Graduation - Advising the IMO in IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum - Featured in "Top Maritime Influencers" to follow - Shortlisted for Inspirational Influencer Awards in Global Impact Category

- Life motto: Ever watched Suits? - “Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules.” - Harvey Specter/ Liked or disliked, his TV persona has undoubtedly given some great life coaching advise.

Putting my client/company at the centre of all I do, I love creatively thinking out of the box, making it my mission to improve efficiencies & deliver input that will set you & your business apart from the norm.

The shipping industry was "love at first sight." Real life Captains & Pirates, discovering how coffee, medicine, food and more or less everything, get from one part of the world to another, was so fascinating, it inspired the concept of the broadcast I proudly host, aimed at spreading the message of how vital this sector is in making the world go round; "It's ALL about Shipping."

Having enjoyed numerous senior roles in both in-house & private practise, my expertise ranges from maritime transactional law & policy, with focus on ESG, contract, commercial, corporate & ship finance law, as well as Business development, market penetration strategies, communication & brand coaching practises.

- Best advice I was ever given? - "It is not what you say but how you say it."

Captivated by the concept of leadership & change management during my MBA, I have learned to "speak" empathy, motivation & influence. Furthermore, I greatly enjoy networking and meeting new people, learning something new from each.

A self-development enthusiast, any free time I have is devoted to growing, refining, becoming a better version of myself. It's incredible how it shapes you into a "change agent" of substance & purpose, shifting dreams into reality.

p.s TED Talks over Netflix anytime! Personal favourite: "Become who you really are” - Andrea Pennington, TEDxIUM

Gina Panayiotou Points
Academic 0
Author 1
Influencer 74
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 20
Total 95

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

CSR 31.36
Ecosystems 31.18
Leadership 30.02
Sustainability 34.04

Industry Experience


1 Article/Blog
Winners quit all the time?
February 25, 2021
"Celebrating" a birthday in lockdown mode, yet feeling blessed for the transformation that this year has brought within me. In a year where smiles had to hide behind masks, social norms were redefined - the polite thing now being to see people on the street and pull away as noticeably as possible - and where the word "positive" was attached to such a negative connotation, the passing year re-shaped values, beliefs, needs and so much more for all and for the world.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Sustainability

1 Founder
Oceans Arena
Oceans Arena
February 02, 2021
Oceans Arena is YOUR success multitool, creating a one stop shop to set you apart.

Whether personal, corporate, NGO, Start-up or product brand our disruptive Arena, coaches you to shine within the rising "New Ecosystem of Shipping;" where sustainability/ESG, diversity/EDI & innovation are key players.

See publication

Tags: Ecosystems, Sustainability

2 Media Interviews
Everything you need to know about ESG in the maritime industry [Gina Panayiotou]
The Maritime Vision
January 02, 2024
Join us in this conversation with Gina Panayiotou as we dive into the core aspects of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in the maritime industry

See publication

Tags: CSR, Sustainability

Lawyer Panayiotou hired to lead ESG strategy at West of England
August 11, 2022
Maritime lawyer Gina Panayiotou has joined the West of England to develop its environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy.

See publication

Tags: CSR, Sustainability

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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