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Eric Wilson

Director - Thought Leadership at Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning

Owensboro, United States

Eric is a predictive analytics and business planning innovator, author, and speaker. He is the Director of Thought Leadership at The Institute of Business Forecasting (IBF), as well as the Director of Demand Planning at Escalade Sports. In 2016, he received the Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning award from The IBF. He is a Certified Professional Forecaster (CPF) with over 20 years experience. Eric is a visionary in his field, a frequent speaker and panelist for many executive forums and professional conferences, and has written numerous articles in publications such as The Journal of Business Forecasting and APICS Magazine. He is also the author of the book Cultural Cycles which combines his love of history and predictive analytics to help explain the past, clarify the present, and provide a bold picture of tomorrow.

Available For: Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Louisville, kentucky

Eric Wilson Points
Academic 45
Author 119
Influencer 142
Speaker 82
Entrepreneur 0
Total 388

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Consulting - Predictive Analytics and Deamand and Supply Planning
Theatre: North America
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 20 years

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.08
Analytics 36.00
Big Data 31.54
Blockchain 30.07
Business Strategy
Change Management 30.20
Culture 31.51
Customer Experience 30.19
Customer Loyalty 30.30
Digital Disruption 30.05
Digital Transformation 31.08
Emerging Technology 30.05
ERP 30.07
FinTech 30.05
Future of Work 30.39
HR 30.64
Innovation 30.03
Management 30.09
Marketing 30.07
Predictive Analytics 31.16
Risk Management 30.07
Social 36.64
Supply Chain 34.33

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Wholesale Distribution


53 Article/Blogs
Institute of Business and Forecasting & Planning
June 11, 2021
Do you even know why you are doing an S&OP/IBP process inside your organization? I got news for you, if you answered just balance to supply and demand or build a consensus forecast, you are missing the bigger picture.

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Tags: Analytics, Supply Chain, Predictive Analytics

Key Supply Chain Digital Transformation Pitfalls to Avoid
June 10, 2019
I’ll discuss some of the key pitfalls to pay attention to when implementing a supply chain digital transformation based on my experience championing a digital transformation process at Escalade Sports.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

How Do You Pick The Right Aggregation Level For Forecasting?
May 27, 2019
It's very common in forecasting to aggregate data in order to increase the signal/noise ratio, and there are several papers out there regarding the significant positive effect of hierarchical and temporal aggregation on forecast accuracy.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Should You Be A One Number Forecasting Company?
May 20, 2019
There is an age-old debate in demand planning: should you strive to be a “one number company” where all functions work to the same forecast. The idea is that a one number forecast creates alignment and that the whole company works to the same set

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Forecasting Model
May 13, 2019
Selecting the right model plays a very important role in predictive analytics and forecasting. Use the wrong model, and you might as not have bothered at all. Use the right one, and you have a robust forecast you can plan your business operations

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Forecast Accuracy Benchmarking Is Dead (Long Live Forecastability)
April 25, 2019
How valuable is forecast accuracy benchmarking? It's always interesting to see how your competitors' are faring, but does knowing other companies' forecast accuracy help improve your own, and does it help to set realistic forecast accuracy targets

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

The 6 Models Used In Forecasting Algorithms
April 22, 2019
An algorithm is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of finite operations or specified actions. Generally speaking, when most people talk about algorithms, they’re talking about a mathematical formula or someth...

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

Supply Chain Fact or Fiction #MustReadThis
April 22, 2019
Today, algorithms are constantly crunching data, predicting market trends, and responding to market changes in real time. Such advancements are only possible because of (AI). All the data from the operations, the market, and the competition can be consolidated and analyzed. It can be examined historically and now, with the help of (AI) technology, forecasted as well.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Supply Chain

How To Identify Multiple Seasonal Factors For The Same Product
April 02, 2019
Most forecasting approaches are based on the idea that a forecast can be improved if the underlying factors in the data can be identified and forecasted separately. It stands to reason then that we can gain insights by isolating components separately

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

5 Ways To Win Executive Support For Predictive Analytics
March 11, 2019
Even though you know why predictive analytics is important to your organization, others may not. Some people in your company don’t understand it yet. That’s OK. But you need to get your executives onboard and buy in to the idea. Here the 5 steps that...

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

7 Characteristics Of Demand Planning Rock Stars
February 26, 2019
In demand planning we often talk about those unicorns who are analytically minded and yet can still deal with ambiguity and relate to people. They are rare creatures who can make sense of the data, then sit in front of sales and marketing and speak

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Tags: Future of Work, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Why AI Is Key To Customer Loyalty and Brand Engagement
February 18, 2019
Using AI to gain a competitive advantage over the next few years is not about better forecasts. What is often missed about predictive analytics is the power to learn more about your customers, and how it helps us provide them with better service.

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Tags: AI, Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty

What Is Predictive Analytics?
February 11, 2019
As a discipline, predictive analytics has been around for many decades and has been a hot topic in academia for many years. Its application in the field of demand planning, though, is still relatively untapped. Its effective uses in business are more

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Tags: AI, Analytics, Predictive Analytics

10 Real Life Predictive Business Analytics Examples
January 28, 2019
Predictive analytics can help us estimate how many units we will sell of the product, but that’s not the only thing predictive analytics tells us about. Business forecasting and predictive analytics can also be used for insights into relationships so

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Tags: AI, Analytics, Predictive Analytics

Beware The Correlation/Causation Forecasting Trap
January 21, 2019
“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson It would be easy to see the demise of Sears Roebuck retail stores as a triumph for e-commerce. In actuality, if you were to look at new

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

Why Should I Send My Team to a Professional Conference?
January 18, 2019
It is that time of year again, when conference season is approaching, and practitioners find themselves almost graveling sometimes for a chance to go to a conference. We seem to intuitively understand the benefits but unfortunately some bosses still see it as vacations, unneeded time away from the office, or fear that you will be stolen away by another company in attendance.

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Tags: Change Management, Management, Supply Chain

Business Efficiency Planning For Effective S&OP
January 03, 2019
Business Efficiency Planning (BEP) works to align all functional areas around common business goals and enable and coordinate decision making to achieve the most efficient plan. To get there we need tools to help understand what decisions need to be

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Tags: Risk Management, Supply Chain

5 Laws Of Demand Planning You (& Executives) Must Never Forget
December 17, 2018
It is Friday evening and Taylor Swift tweets an endorsement for your product #lovinIt. Soon after, your cloud based analytical processor identifies this along with text analytics from comments using your web crawlers and artificial intelligence

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Supply Chain

Amazon Effect: Driving New Opportunities and Challenges in Demand Forecasting
CIO Review - CXO Insights
November 22, 2018
The ‘Amazon effect’ has already changed the landscape of retail marketplace but the disruption goes much deeper. As a result, Demand Planning and Forecasting is very different to how it was just a few years ago. With e-commerce comes e-planning and if you are already not forecasting and demand planning differently - you will be.

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Tags: Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Demand Planners Guide To Speaking The Language Of Sales
November 12, 2018
There are differences between the operational and commercial mindset. The problem many of us demand planners have is not knowing how to speak the language of salespeople, or not providing the right measurements to let them better understand how information is affecting the forecasting process. In this article I distinguish five typical characteristics of salespeople and how these all lend themselves to forecasting bias. I will show you how to ‘speak Sales’ and offer a solution, Forecast Value Add, that will help improve your forecasting process and accuracy.

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Tags: Marketing, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Attention Demand Planners: Is Your Thinking Linear Or Probabilistic?
October 23, 2018
Research shows that 5 out of 4 business professionals do not understand statistics (pun intended). Most people don’t have a natural affinity for probability either. But probabilistic thinking lies behind predictive analytics, becoming a data driven organization, and the next wave of demand planning.

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

The 4 Phases Of Predictive Analytics From Start To Finish
October 20, 2018
Predictive Analysis is a process of collecting, transforming, cleaning, and modeling data with the goal of gaining consensus of a future forecast. This provides the required insights for making informed decisions. This process consists of the following phases that are iterative in nature.

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics

Find the Right Demand Planning Tool
September 24, 2018
So, is it time to trade in your high mileage family sedan in on a new faster sports model? Or in other words is it time to start shopping or considering a new business forecasting and planning software or technology?
For some reason it almost feels like car shopping, trying to sort out what you need verses what you want and at as price you can afford. On top of it all you have your parents “or boss” you need to convince that the purchase is worth it. I understand, it is a hard sell and difficult to find it in the budget and even more difficult to quantify the results – but there may be advantages and real dollars in upgrading or implementing a new demand planning and forecasting solution.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics

How Mature Is Your Demand Planning? Maturity Benchmarking
September 19, 2018
There are commonalities shared by all demand planning, forecasting and analytics roles and organizations, including levels of maturity. Understanding these maturity levels allows you assess your people, process, and technology against a set of external benchmarks, best practices, or even ‘next practices’. Knowing your maturity level is crucial to developing further.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

When The Economy Dips, Demand Planners Will Become Your Superheroes
August 29, 2018
The forecast for the economy today is mostly sunny and mild temperatures. Things look great – unemployment at all-time lows, economy growing at over 3%, and consumer confidence is on the rise. All of this adds up to top line growth, reduced inventories, and efficiencies of scale reducing cost for businesses. But that’s today – what about tomorrow? 

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Tags: Supply Chain, Predictive Analytics, Future of Work

1 Book
Cultural Cycles: Examining the History of the United States - Why It Repeats Itself, and the Next Looming Reset
September 19, 2017
Time may be linear, but history is circular. We see patterns throughout history—periods of prosperity and growth followed inevitably by disastrous upheaval that changes everything. Through an intriguing mixture of historical acumen and big-data analytics, these events can be studied and predicted. In Cultural Cycles, business forecaster J. Eric Wilson applies his knowledge of predictive analytics to the history of human cultures, to help illuminate the past, explain the present, and provide a bold picture of tomorrow.

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Tags: Analytics, Social, Culture

2 Influencer Awards
Excellence in Business Forecasting and Planning
October 28, 2016
top of forecasting, demand planning and S&OP disciplines, displaying an exceptional level of insight, expertise and knowledge that progresses the field. Winners have a track record of establishing demand planning and forecasting as collaborative business processes or advancing the field through innovation of the latest techniques and methodologies.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Pro To Know by Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Supply & Demand Chain Executive
March 05, 2015
This honor highlights the many thought-leaders who are helping to shape the Supply Chain industry and advance Supply Chain as a respected discipline in the enterprise

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

9 Journal Publications
Multi-cluster Time Series Analysis
November 01, 2018
Most forecasting approaches are based on the idea that a forecast can be improved if the underlying factors of a data can be identified and forecasted separately. It goes to reason then that with conventional time series approaches that try to extract information from the historical observations, we may gain insights by isolating components and modeling seasonality for example separately. In this article, we explore how transforming historic data through multi-cluster time series analysis allows us to gather additional information about seasonality and the series at hand, resulting in better forecasts. We discuss a newly introduced modelling approach that combines information from many different clusters of attributes and levels of aggregation, augmenting various features of the series in the process, into improved seasonal profiles and a robust and accurate forecast.

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

Transforming the structure of your Predictive Analytics and Planning Department
June 01, 2018
Recent changes in big data and analytics are having a huge impact on the culture and organizational structure of demand planning, forecasting, and related roles. Whilst most companies have recognized this we still need a blueprint of what this new organization may look like and how we get there. This article discusses a new way to optimize the skills and responsibilities of these specialized functions and the steps based on your organizations maturity you need to take. Additionally, for professionals in or entering one of these fields, this article discusses the types of career paths and career ladders that you may use to achieve the optimal level for your abilities and asperations.

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Tags: Big Data, Future of Work, Predictive Analytics

The Core of Demand Planning and Data Science
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
April 01, 2018
It is getting more and more challenging to find the right employee with the right skills. To help, we should adjust what we are looking for and focus on core competency. The terms Skills and Competencies are used, virtually, interchangeably. In fact, with many HR practitioners, competencies seem to only relate to “Behavioral” competencies as defined in a Competency Dictionary. But this really is not the case. If you are hiring in demand planning or any similar field, you need to know what to look for and how to hire the right person. So, in this article we attempt to define the difference between Skills and Competencies, and provide some insight into the different types of core competencies that are critical to demand planning, forecasting, data science, and related fields.

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Tags: Analytics, HR, Supply Chain

Preparing for Demand Planning 2025
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
January 19, 2018
As forecasters, we continue to look ahead and, to the best of our ability, try to determine what is next. It is only fitting that together we take this view into the next decade, and look at what changes may be on the horizon in our own industry and in the field of forecasting and demand planning. This article, using results from a recent survey of the future of forecasting and demand planning, looks at how people in the field feel about where we are heading, and how we may need to adapt to the next generation of demand planning.

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Supply Chain

Why Is the S&OP Process Stuck in Third Gear?
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
October 20, 2017
Every professional intuitively knows that S&OP / IBP are struggling to show the results they signed up for 30 years ago when the process first emerged. It may not be that the process is broke but rather it is stuck for many organizations trying to keep up with the new business environment of today. By rethinking the people, process, technology, and mindset you can transform a business process that may keep up with the business landscape of tomorrow. In this paper, we will discuss the evolution of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP/IBP) to an evaluated business process, Business Efficiency Planning (BEP), to help focus an organization and achieve measurable results.

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Supply Chain

Improving Forecast Accuracy through Forecast Value Added
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
April 01, 2017
Every forecasting professionals know that there are no “perfect” forecasts, but there is a way to see if you are getting it right. There is a better way to measure what forecasting can be expected to achieve and what it might take to achieve it. By utilizing forecast value add (FVA) analysis, one can determine the effectiveness of an organization’s forecasting efforts and help streamline its forecasting process. In this paper, I will discuss (FVA) as a forecasting key performance metric and explain how it can help organizations and forecasting professionals meet the primary objective: to improve forecast accuracy while adding value to the process and the organization.

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Tags: Big Data, Supply Chain, Predictive Analytics

Improving Accuracy through Talent Management
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
April 01, 2016
The vast majority of articles written focus on the tools or processes required to increase forecast accuracy. There is another - even more - contributing factor that any organization can be attentive to that will not only improve the demand plans but demand planning. This article focuses on the people part of demand planning and helps show how to achieve effective demand planning by instituting a best in class talent management strategy. We will look at the four key pillars in effective talent management, how they relate to demand planning, and how they may be utilized

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Tags: Culture, HR, Supply Chain

Practical Considerations in Forecast Value Added (FVA) Analysis
June 01, 2015
A business forecast is normally produced by applying overrides and modifications to an initial statistical forecast. Whether these adjustments to the statistical forecast improve forecast performance is always an important question – one to which the Forecast Value Added (FVA) concept can be applied. In this article, we identify some of the practical issues in applying FVA analysis within a demand-management process.

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Revolutionary Approcahes to Leveraging Predictive Analytics
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
December 02, 2014
The importance of analytics to a supply chain organization will become the top priority and investment in the next few years. The sheer volume and complexity of today’s data are challenging enough, but top organizations of tomorrow will need to turn this data into useful insights quicker and for better decision making to create a competitive advantage. Companies need a new breed of talent, deployment models, and technologies. We cannot simply cobble together existing pieces. What we need is an evolution—and maybe a revolution—in how to look at and use predictive analytics. This article describes strategies to understand the basics of predictive analytics, and the way to navigate the potential capabilities of demand planning of tomorrow.

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics

6 Keynotes
Will AI Take Over My S&OP? Preparing For The Future Of Your S&OP Today
APICS / IBF - Chicago Best of the Best
June 13, 2019
we will look at emerging technologies and their potential impacts, current processes and potential gaps, and how all roads lead back to predictive analytics and the value you will add in the future. This presentation is designed to challenge your perceptions, guide you to the sessions at this conference that will benefit you most, and provide you with a solid foundation so you are ready for when AI takes over your S&OP process.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Watch Out Mellennials, Generation Pi is Coming: Future of Data Science
IBF - Business Planning, Forecasting & S&OP Best Practices
October 16, 2018
Move over Millennials, you have some competition coming. I’m talking about the next generation who are growing up with Siri and Alexa as their parents. The future of Data Science and Predictive Analytics will depend not only on technological advancements but also the people that adapt or use them. In this hands-on session we will take an honest look at the next generation of Data Scientists and Demand Planners and what it will take to succeed in these fields, and what this evolving role may look like when Generation PI comes of age

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Predictive Analytics

New Attitudes for S&OP to Keep Pace with Evolving Market
DILF - Copenhagan
February 28, 2018
S&OP has been around before the conception of the internet and in terms of the core concepts, not much has changed since then. This is a serious issue for all demand planners and S&OP professionals because your particular market and consumer bases have changed drastically over the last 30-plus years. The problem is not a lack of understanding of existing processes or a lack of results. The problem, rather, is that S&OP and Integrated Business Planning may not keep up with where your business is going, and risks failing to deliver value in an evolving market place.

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Reassessing The Role of S&OP in Organizations
Corporate Parity - Amsterdam
September 17, 2017
• Understand the requirements for cross-functional collaboration to drive an effective and impactful S&OP process
• Understand the relative importance of process, systems, structures and capabilities in driving strong cross-functional collaboration for S&OP and evolving towards IBP
• Evaluate the benefits of creating a fully aligned and collaborative S&OP proces

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Viva La Revolucion: New Attitudes for IBP to Keep Pace with Evolving Markets
APICS / IBF - Chicago Best of the Best
June 15, 2017
The problem is not a lack of understanding of existing processes or a lack of results. The problem, rather, is that S&OP and Integrated Business Planning may not keep up with where your business is going, and risks failing to deliver value in an evolving market place. Do you see S&OP as an evolutionary process or one based on defined concepts and best practices? If you’re not viewing your role as an evolutionary process that is flexible, adaptable and forward thinking, this session is for you. We will discuss alternative ways to look at your current gaps and how all the components of a successful business process come together.

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Exciting Things Happen When You Embrace Change
May 01, 2016
- Discuss the current state of demand planning and supply chain in retail environment.
- Discuss what is coming in the next decade and how the right supply chain can make or break a company.
- Share how mature companies changed and adapted to improve their position.
- Share the steps you need to take to change and adapt so that you can improve your own position.

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Tags: Culture, Customer Experience, Supply Chain

1 Panel
Do We Turn The Demand Planning Function Into A Dual Role?
Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning
December 20, 2017
This special recording features thought leaders in the Forecasting , Demand Planning and S&OP fields, and reveals critical issues such as the imminent (and dangerous) skills gap, finding the ‘hidden gold’ in unstructured social media data, and rethinking product exits

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Tags: Supply Chain, Predictive Analytics, Future of Work

7 Speaking Engagements
7 Key Supply Chain Digital Transformation Pitfalls to Avoid
gartner global supply chain conference
May 14, 2019
The session focuses on how to build a business case for a digital transformation process and to avoid being part of the reported 70% of digital transformation projects that fail. Digital transformation projects are often interlaced with the goal of creating a more integrated supply chain process.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Successful Digital Transformation for Supply Chain: 5 Key Pitfalls to Avoid
IBF - New Orleans Predictive Business Analytics
May 08, 2019
we will address key questions such as: what digital transformation means for your company, and how can it be integrated into the current way of operating. Find out how Escalade Sports is successfully creating a digital transformation for supply chain and discover the practical implications of digital technologies, including the business changes needed for successful implementation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Watch Out Millennials, Generation PI Is Coming: Future of Data Science & Demand Planning Roles
November 22, 2018
we will take an honest look at the next generation of Data Scientists and Demand Planners and what it will take to succeed in these fields, and what this evolving role may look like when Generation PI comes of age. I will discuss the current skills gap that holds back the forecasting, demand planning and business analytics disciplines, one that is only set to get worse unless we act. I will reveal what skills and competencies are needed for companies to fully leverage the next stage of technology which includes including Machine Learning, AI and Blockchain.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Predictive Analytics

Where Tech Drives Change, Structure Must Follow
IBF - Academy
August 14, 2018
There is a very serious gap in the employment pool which makes finding the right talent for your Forecasting and Demand Planning very difficult. What makes this worse for many of us is the shift towards independent analytics departments which requires new skills and lots more people. Effective organization design is key to managing this change, and it is about more than just structure: it is architecting and aligning all facets of the organization to enable strategy. When processes, structures, technology, people, systems and culture work in concert, an enterprise is best positioned to deliver dynamic results. But in a world of constant change, how will your centralized Predictive Analytics and Planning Department keep the pieces in sync?

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Predictive Analytics, Future of Work

Forecasting the Unforecastable: how to align and manage demand for new products
APICS / IBF - Chicago Best of the Best
June 14, 2018
Managing new product launch processes are essential to your company’s growth, but demand error for new products is high. How do you mitigate the risk of new product launches and ensure maximum probability of success? Innovation is one of the few tools companies can use to adapt to new patterns of consumer behavior, while improving top and bottom line performance. As such, a well-designed new product introduction process needs to keep the consumer in mind every step of the way. In this session, you will learn how to develop new strategies for today’s competitive markets and implement best practices for product planning. This includes leveraging the portfolio management review to better understand new product performance and better manage new products once released.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Supply Chain

Future of Data Science and Demand Planning Roles
IBF - New Orleans Predictive Business Analytics
April 25, 2018
The future of Data Science and Predictive Analytics will depend not only on technological advancements but also the people that adapt or use them. In this hands-on session we will take an honest look at the next generation of Data Scientists and Demand Planners and what it will take to succeed in these fields, and what this evolving role may look like when Generation PI comes of age. I will discuss the current skills gap that holds back the forecasting, demand planning and business analytics disciplines, one that is only set to get worse unless we act. I will reveal what skills and competencies are needed for companies to fully leverage the next stage of technology which includes including Machine Learning, AI and Blockchain.

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Tags: Analytics, HR, Supply Chain

Risk Mitigation and Demand Planning Segmentation
June 18, 2014
To improve forecast accuracy, companies are constantly seeking demand planning practices and solutions that best utilize their planners’ expertise. This presentation on product segmentation will provide the best use of segmentation using attributes and FVA to create differentiated demand planning approaches. The general purpose of segmenting planning strategies is to mitigate risk. The purpose of FVA is to minimize forecasting resources, while reaching accuracy goals. In this session, we will offer basic strategies and conceptual ideas that you may utilize in any industry. Plus, we will provide examples of how we applied these practices ourselves that led to reduction in inventory, while maintaining or improving service levels that our customers love.

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Tags: Big Data, Marketing, Supply Chain

1 Webinar
The Connection Between Finance and Supply Chain Performance to a Firm’s Financial Success
May 05, 2021
Plan Better With Arkieva. Experience Synergized Supply Chain Planning.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Culture, Finance

1 Whitepaper
A Practical Guide for Building a Business Case for Digital Supply Chain Transformation
June 06, 2019
Today’s supply chain world is increasingly complex. Consumers have a plethora of choices, making the need for building brand loyalty with increased customer satisfaction ever prevalent. Consumers today also demand faster services, which could lead to higher operating costs without the right planning processes in place.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Customer Loyalty

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9 Badges



1 Keynote
Various topics from cultural cycles to predictive analytics

Location: any location    Fees: Request

Service Type: Service Offered

Keynote speaking:
-Next generation of S&OP/IBP and business planning
-Predictive analytics and big data revolution
-Digital transformation
-Generation PI and the next emerging workforce
-Forecasting and analytics and in the new E-Planning world
-Cultural cycles and why history repeats itself

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