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Lady Shayo Imologome

Founder, Author, Speaker, Facilitator & Trainer at Shalatel Business Academy

London, United Kingdom

Shayo is a keen trend watcher who is very passionate about strategy development and deployment, innovation and creative thinking as well as leadership and self-development.

Shayo has over 30 years of experience in finance, auditing & compliance, consultancy and advisory, and more recently business development and strategy. Her career has taken her through almost every industry in Nigeria, including marketing communication & media, manufacturing, oil and gas, finance, hospitality, insurance, just to mention a few.

Shayo has had the privilege of working at the head offices of two of Nigeria’s best conglomerates, The Honeywell Group and more recently Troyka Holdings Limited where she worked in an executive capacity with oversight responsibilities of the 10 companies in the group providing support on strategy development, performance management and operational, financial and regulatory compliance.

She is a self-motivated change agent with strong strategic and entrepreneurial skills. She is driven by a passion to add value and facilitate positive change, this leads her to constantly look for new and better ways of doing things.

Shayo, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, a Fellow of the International Management Consultants Board, she holds an MBA from the University of Stellenbosch Cape Town South Africa and has also completed several executive management courses from other Business Schools such as the Lagos Business School where she did the Advanced Management Program and also Harvard Business School where she completed a course in Disruptive Strategy.

Shayo is a seasoned Public Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer and Conference Host.
Her major topics are; strategy, innovation, leadership and self-development.

Available For: Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: London
Speaking Topics: Leadership, Business Strategy, Change Management, Entrepreneurship, Personal Development

Lady Shayo Imologome Points
Academic 95
Author 44
Influencer 14
Speaker 17
Entrepreneur 40
Total 210

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Professional Training
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Last Media Interview: 01/04/2023

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.08
Business Continuity 31.10
Business Strategy 33.82
Careers 30.97
Change Management 30.33
Coaching 30.24
Culture 30.31
Digital Disruption 30.14
Diversity and Inclusion 30.58
Entrepreneurship 37
Future of Work 30.24
Health and Wellness 30.24
HR 30.40
Innovation 30.67
Leadership 32.02
Management 34.10
Marketing 30.05
Mental Health 30.14
Project Management 32.28
Sustainability 30.45

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


4 Academic Certifications
Advanced Management Program
Lagos Business School
October 31, 2022
Advanced Management Program at the Lagos Business School

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Disruptive Business Strategy and Innovation
Harvard Business School
April 30, 2017
Recieved the executive management certification in disruptive business strategyand innovation.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

Master of Business Administration
Stellenbosch Business School
March 31, 2013
Completed the Master of Business Administration program at the Stellenbosch Business School

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Bridging the gap between an old economy culture and a new economy culture to create a high performance organisation : a critical analysis of the organisational performance of an indigenous company in a developing economy
Semantic Scholar.Org
March 30, 2013
The research seeks to investigate the progress of an indigenous group of companies in the advertising industry in Nigeria, in its bid to transform from unsustainable organisational practices to more sustainable and progressive practices that promote increased operational efficiency and organisational performance.

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Culture, Management

2 Academic Fellow / Scholars
Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria
The Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria
December 21, 2021
Awarded a fellow of the Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Niogeria
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria
May 31, 2009
Awarded a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management

5 Article/Blogs
10 Principles to Ace Your Leadership Style
Lady Shayo Website
January 15, 2024
Dear leader, your mission is to pilot your team to success, but beware!

The path to greatness is fraught with hidden traps, and today we're uncovering the 8 leadership landmines to sidestep at all costs. In this post, l look into 8 no-go zones for visionary leaders. These are critical things you should never do as a leader to avoid veering off course and ensure your team stays on the path to success.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

15 Ice Breaker Questions you can use to Start a Presentation or Meeting
Shalatel Business Academy
January 28, 2023
The write up explains what ice breakers are, how to use them during training and presentations and also provides a detailed list of suggestions

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, HR, Leadership

40 Common Mistakes People Make During Presentations
Shalatel Business Academy
January 28, 2021
We have all made presentations at one point in time or the other, whether it is presenting a report to your management, sharing a business plan with the department, making a speech at a birthday party or just sharing an idea with your team, once you are standing in front of people to speak you are making some sort of presentation or the other.Sometimes we also go to great lengths to prepare so we can give the best presentation ever, but on the d-day, we realize that we got it wrong in one area or the other.

Here is a list of common mistakes people make when presenting and what to do to avoid them.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management

Wake the Sleeping Giant called your Gift - Its your Superpower!
June 10, 2020
For decades, motivational speakers have told us to follow our passion, well I say follow your gift and here's why.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

What is the Real Price of Integrity?
June 04, 2015
In this write up I explian what integrity is and why it is important in personal life and business

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management

1 Courseware
Confidence Unleashed! - Mastering Self Esteem for Success
July 31, 2024
The course is meticulously crafted for individuals ready to break free from self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and poor self-image to embrace their inner strength, and live a life filled with confidence and success.

In this course, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning powerful techniques and strategies to boost your self-esteem and self-worth. They will be guided through a series of engaging and interactive modules, each designed to help them overcome limiting beliefs so they can cultivate a positive self-image.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

1 Founder
Shalatel Business Academy
Shalatel Business Academy
June 30, 2018
Shalatel is a consulting and people development company, helping organizations build the required skills, tenacity and business acumen needed to take them further in their entrepreneurial journeys.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

2 Industry Certifications
Prince2 Agile Foundation
People Cert
June 30, 2022
Project management certification - Prince2 Agile

See publication

Tags: Project Management

Project Management Foundations
Project Management Institute
May 31, 2022
Certification in Project Management

See publication

Tags: Project Management

2 Influencer Awards
Tech Times Africa Influencer Awards - Company Executive Category
November 01, 2020
Tech Times Africa Influencer Awards, Africa’s largest and most prestigious accolades for the most influential personalities in the African business community.

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Tags: Business Strategy

Leading Ladies Africa
Leading Ladies Africa
May 01, 2020
In commemoration of Worker’s Day (May 1), Leading Ladies Africa presents the definitive list of 50 Nigerian women who are showing their expertise, professionalism and excellence in successfully leading regional and global businesses.

“Nigerian women, through their tenacity, hard work and vision are turning things around especially within the corporate sector” says Francesca Uriri, Founder Leading Ladies Africa.

“We have a two-fold objective in publishing this list: first, to make a case for gender diversity and inclusiveness within the corporate sector, and secondly to highlight the women who are leading successfully across different business sectors. This year we have an even greater representation of women from different backgrounds, and will continue to press for that diversity to be reflected, especially within the C-suite and across the entire value chain.”

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

3 Media Interviews
Age2Age Podcast
November 17, 2023
I was a guest on a podcast - Age2Age where I talked about my early life living with foster parents, finding love, marriage and how women can successfully juggle multiple roles.

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Tags: Careers, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The Right Goal Setting Techniques
January 19, 2023
I am interviewed by Echezonaci Awa and I discuss goal setting techniques for startups.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Mastering Negotiation Skills for Business Growth
April 11, 2018
In this interview I share my knowledge and experience in negotiation on the Mindscope radio show.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

2 Panels
Consulting Industry in Africa - USB Consulting Club & USB Alumni event
The University of Stellenbosch Business School
December 03, 2020
I was part of a panel of recognized consulting industry leaders from the USB alumni base in the consulting industry. I shared my knowledge and gave key insights into the way forward for the consulting field in Africa and beyond.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Future of Work

Founders Forum Series - University of Stellenbosch Business School
The University of Stellenbosch Business School Founders Forum
August 27, 2020
Founder’s Forum Series
Starting a business is tough, and is even tougher for women in a predominantly male-orientated start-up community. Join us at the second workshop of the Founder’s Forum Series: Entrepreneurship – It’s a woman’s world.

A panel of female entrepreneurs who are alumni of the Stellenbosch Business School South Africa share their journey about growing their businesses. They share deep insights and business advice on issues such as strategy, planning, money matters and growth initiatives.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

6 Podcasts
Help! AI Just Stole my Job! Brain Drain and Talent Wars - HR Challenges in the 20th Century
February 19, 2023
The Impact of AI, Brain Drain and Talent wars - HR Challenges of the 21st century

Help! AI just took my job! How great is the impact on AI on the future of work?
“Japa Syndrome” how the brain drain, is impacting Nigerian businesses.
Quiet firing, quiet quitting – how to read the handwriting on the wall and know what to do.
HR Guru and CEO of Rekrut Consulting, Leke Oshiyemi talks with me on current HR trends and how to strike a healthy balance between the needs of both employee and employer.

See publication

Tags: AI, Future of Work, HR

Relocating to the UK the Chances and Challenges - Supporting B.A.M.E Families
February 05, 2023
Modern day slavery - what are the things to look out for when relocating?
Relocating to a new country – why does culture matter?
Wait! before you get on that plane - what should you consider?

Welcome! In this episode my guest a Pastor, Author, Speaker Trainer and mentor Margaret Jumoke Taribo shares some insight into how to handle the shortcomings and differences in expectations experienced by many ethnic minority families when they relocate to the UK and what to do to overcome them.

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Tags: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Entrepreneurship

Employability, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship - Mentoring the Global Youth
January 29, 2023
Raising Social Innovators, Youth-Up Global - Building the Next Generation

My guest today is Dr Pastor Faith Nwaobia the Founder and President of YouthUp Global, youth-based enterprise in the business of addressing youth unemployment through human capital development, creating social impact opportunities and building empowerment platforms for youths in developing nations and fostering collaborative projects towards achieving the 17 SDGs of the United Nations with branches in over 14 African countries and 2 Asian countries.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Future of Work, Leadership

How a Lawyer is Making a Difference in Tech - The CIO Awards, Appreciating Great Work the Right Way
January 21, 2023
How did a lawyer get into tech and is making a difference?

My guest on this episode is Mrs Abiola Laseinde LLB, BL, FCIS, MCIArb, the Chief Executive Officer of Edniesal Consulting Limited, a firm offering unique corporate services to clients and the Convener of the CIO Club Africa and Nigeria’s first Chief Information Officer Awards (“The CIO Awards”).

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Project Management

Personal Growth and Self Development for Business and Career Success - What You Should Do
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
January 07, 2023
My Guest today is Echezonachi Awa founder of @chez_talks a Podcast where she talks about business and personal growth with entrepreneurs and business leaders. She is also the Founder of Chez, an agency that fosters business growth through effective social media branding and lead generation.

In this interview Chez shares deep insights on the importance of business networking, getting the right mentors and ensuring that your development is 360 degrees.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Why You Should Create a Vision Board to Achieve Your 2023 Goals Board
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
January 02, 2023
In this interview my Guest Abimbola Soluade shares insights in what a vision board is,, how to make one and how to effectively use it to drive the accomplishment of your plans and goals.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management

5 Presentations
The Queen Bee Syndrome - Fact or Fantasy?
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
December 31, 2022
In this video I take an indepth look at the Queen Bee Syndrome. Does it really exisit or is it just percieved? Is it real or have poeple just taken assumption and perception too far? Women leaders should be strong, but how strong? Young women building thier careers should be resiliant, but how far can they go? Do women struggling for survival and recognition in a male dominated world become masculine?

All these questions and more will be addressed in this presentation.

See publication

Tags: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, HR

6 Simple Goal Setting Models to help you Increase Your Productivity
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
November 05, 2022
In this video I discuss what a goal is, the difference between a Goal and a Strategy, I also look at challenges and things we need to consider when setting goals.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

The Future of Work 2030 - Will AI replace you? How to remain relevant in the economy of the future.
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
September 05, 2022
This was a presentation I did a couple of years ago. 2016 or thereabout, long before COVID, but its quite interesting to see the projections that were made and how things actually turned out. I have hitherto updated it and we will now take a look at what the future of work will be over the next 10 year horizon.

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Tags: AI, Future of Work, HR

Ethics, Morals Vs the Law and The Sad Reality - An Introduction to Business Ethics
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
May 17, 2021
In this presentation video I give a brief introduction to business ethics, morals and the law, and I highlight the sad truth that what may be totally unethical may not necessarily be illegal.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management

How to Take Your Business Online in 3 Simple Steps
Lady Shayo Speaks Channel on YouTube
December 12, 2020
This presentation explains how to take your business online and gain the benefits of ecommerce.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

2 Speaking Engagements
Investing in Africa for Sustainable Leadership and Development
July 28, 2023
A short presentation I gave at the Africa Day Celebrations 2023 hosted by the Stellenbosch Business School Alumni Assocation UK Chapter.

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sustainability

Harnessing the Power of Innovation and Business Growth for Profit
July 15, 2023
A speaking presentation I gave at an event, "An Hour with a Manager" on LinkedIn.

See publication

Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Innovation

3 Trainings
Aligining Business Growth, Strategy and Management - Key Insights for Sustainable Value Creation
September 09, 2022
How does an organization maintain its leadership position in its industry?
How does it ensure continued growth of its market share?
How does it survive disruption?
In this video training series I highlight current issues threatening businessess in thier quest to grow or even maintan thier market share in a constantly changing world.

See publication

Tags: Business Continuity, Digital Disruption, Innovation

Goal Setting for 2021
Lagos State Ministry of Transport Retreat
August 06, 2021
I conducted a training session for the members of the Ministry of Transportation of Lagos State on effective goal setting strategies.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Business Growth Strategies and Management for Competitive Advantage
FITC Nigeria
April 28, 2021
I did a training for the FITC training institute on business growth strategies, sustaineable value creation and competitive advantage

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

1 Video
January 14, 2023
Do you or someone you know suffer from imposter syndrome, self doubt or a negative self image?

How has this impacted your life? How many great opportunities have slipped through your hands simply becasue you felt you were not good enough, or you where too timid to speak up becasue of low self worth?

Something happened in your past and you have not been able to get over it. Each time you want to do something new, your past comes back to haunt you. You think you are not good enough, brave enough, intelligent enough etc and this has held you back.

All that can stop now.

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

3 Visiting Lecturers
Compliance and Ethical Requirements of the Post COVID-19 Environment
Lagos Business School
November 28, 2021
I gave a lecture on ethical requirements of the post COvid environment and what was required for organozations as staff return to physical presence in the office.

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Leadership, Management

Leadership and Integrity
Lagos Business School
June 07, 2021
I conducted a training session for the Executive MBA class of the Lagos Business School on leadership, and the inportance of integrity in leadership, highlighting the need to be ethical at all times.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Driving Business Success in Nigeria - Compliance and Ethical Requirements of the COVID 19 Environment
Lagos Business School
May 11, 2020
I conducted an indepth training session with the Advanced Management Program 34, an executive management program of the Lagos Business School on the above topic. The module was Authentic leadership and people management.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Thinkers360 Credentials

4 Badges



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