
All posts by Veventaas

February 19, 2021

Veventaas joins Carbon Negative Alliance to go Carbon Negative and Help Customers of their Custom Virtual Events Business do the Same

Veventaas has joined the Carbon Negative Alliance as part of its commitment to corporate social responsibility specifically in support of the fight against climate change through environmental sustainability.

Business Events Services

June 10, 2020

Veventaas, an Acrovantage company, announces breakthrough virtual event experience, Rebooting Business, to be held on June 17th

Rebooting Business is meant to help business professionals, leaders, and entrepreneurs "rebuild better"  in the wake of the uncertainty brought on by COVID-19. According to Veventaas co-founder and event co-host Tom Koulopoulos, "We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to look at many of the cornerstones of what it means to build, manage, and sustain a business. But seizing that opportunity will require new ways of thinking about tomorrow's businesses."

Business Events

How do I climb the Thinkers360 thought leadership leaderboards?
What enterprise services are offered by Thinkers360?
How can I run a B2B Influencer Marketing campaign on Thinkers360?