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Brian Burton, Ed. D.

Associate Professor at Abilene Christian University / Burtons Media Group

Abilene, United States

Researching and teaching VR, AR, & STEM for game, learning, and serious applications. Focused on using Metaverse environments and worlds for online learning and communication.

Associate Professor responsible for leading, developing, and implementing the Digital Entertainment Technology degree at ACU. DET is ranked as a top game development degree by Princeton Review for the past several years. Digital Entertainment Technology comprises game development, animation, and special effects/cinematic. Developed pedagogy and curriculum content for the DET major. Experienced department chair.

Trainer and author of textbooks on game and mobile app development using Roblox, Solar2D, Unreal, and Unity.
Author of: "Learning Mobile Application & Game Development with Solar2D", "Learning Lua", and the "Learning Roblox Game Development" series.

Specialty: Explaining complex technical concepts in easy-to-understand lessons by creating andragogy/pedagogy, providing vision, leadership, teaching, and training in technology fields such as mobile applications, programming, VR, Metaverse, game development, and serious games.

Youtube Channel:

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Texas, USA
Speaking Topics: Future of Learning, Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Virtual Production

Brian Burton, Ed. D. Points
Academic 195
Author 458
Influencer 30
Speaker 11
Entrepreneur 20
Total 714

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Digital Entertainment Technology - Game Dev, Cinema, Mobile App, VR/AR, Online Learning, Instruction
Theatre: North America & UK
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 251-500
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 20+ years
Last Media Training: 07/09/2018
Last Media Interview: 09/22/2016

Areas of Expertise

AR/VR 54.50
Cloud 30.04
Design Thinking 38.15
DevOps 64.43
Digital Disruption 34.15
Digital Transformation 31.19
EdTech 73.03
Emerging Technology 46.73
Entrepreneurship 35.80
Future of Work 30.42
Innovation 33.94
Leadership 31.52
Lean Startup 34.26
Metaverse 55.50
Mobility 42.83

Industry Experience

Higher Education & Research


2 Adjunct Professors
Adjunct Faculty for Digital Media
Lubbock Christian University
May 10, 2019
Adjunct Faculty teaching courses in Digital Media for Lubbock Christian University. Designed and developed online courses.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, EdTech, Emerging Technology

Adjunct Faculty for Graduate Computer Information Systems
Missouri State University
May 16, 2014
Adjunct Faculty teaching graduate courses in Computer Information Systems for Missouri State University. Designed and developed an online seminar course as well as courses in MIS, Databases, and Networking

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

9 Article/Blogs
Tips and Tricks for the Gamification of your Class
November 24, 2020
How to gamify your classroom (K12/Highered).

See publication

Tags: Cloud, Design Thinking, EdTech

Providing Foundations for an Educational Revolution: Moving Towards an Integrated Perspective
The Journal of Literacy and Technology
September 29, 2020
Examination of the suddenly online transition in education during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Leadership, EdTech

Unity Cinematics Part 4: The Power of Post-processing
January 02, 2020
A blog series on how to create real-time CGI/animation using the Unity game engine.
In this article, we discuss the options available in post-processing.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Innovation

The Future of Online Learning – The Great Convergence
Burtons Media Group
January 02, 2020
Online Learning is about to experience a convergence of fields. This convergence is being brought about by the advancements in multiple fields: Game Design, Instructional Design, Storytelling, and WebXR.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, EdTech, Emerging Technology

Unity Cinematics Part 2: Real-time Animation with Unity
December 20, 2019
A blog series on how to create real-time CGI/animation using the Unity game engine.
In this article, we configure Unity to handle real-time animation and camera work.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Unity Cinematics Part 2: Real-time Lighting with Unity
December 17, 2019
A blog series on how to create real-time CGI/animation using the Unity game engine.
In this article, we configure Unity to handle real-time lighting for improved performance.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Unity Cinematics Part 1: Creating Real-time CGI with Unity
December 16, 2019
A blog series on how to create real-time CGI/animation using the Unity game engine.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Digital Transformation, Innovation

How to Install Your Unity Game on Oculus Quest or Oculus Go
December 13, 2019
A blog article on how to configure your Unity 3D game and install it for testing on the Oculus Go or Oculus Quest.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, EdTech, Emerging Technology

Pedagogy for VR
My VR Professor
November 18, 2019
Blog Series on using VR for learning

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Future of Work

7 Books
Learning Mobile App and Game Development with Solar2D
Burtons Media Group
February 02, 2024
Introduces programming concepts in an incremental, pedagogically friendly method. Additional topics include: how to build mobile and cross-platform apps and games, identify the needs and create the user interface for apps, provide opportunities for students to collaborate on projects, conduct research in the mobile industry, and provide opportunities to exercise critical thinking skills (textbook).

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, DevOps, EdTech

Learning Lua: A guide for getting started
Burtons Media Group
August 01, 2023
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Lua scripting? Whether you’re a teacher preparing to lead a class on software utilizing Lua like Roblox, Solar2D, NVM, or Defold, an aspiring game developer aiming to create captivating games for Roblox or similar platforms, a newcomer in need of a friendly and accessible reference to programming in Lua, or a student eager to learn the ins and outs of this versatile language – our eTextbook, “Learning Lua,” has you covered!

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, EdTech, Metaverse

Creating Multiplayer VR Games with Unity
Burtons Media Group
December 01, 2020
Creating Multiplayer VR Games with Unity walks through the full process of creating an authoritative Client/Server Virtual Reality game.
Using open-source or freely available tools you will learn the process of communicating with a server and handling game events.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Design Thinking, EdTech

Beginning Mobile App Development with Corona SDK
Burtons Media Group
February 14, 2020
An eTextbook that introduces to mobile application and game development for people and student who have experience programming but are new to mobile application development.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Mobility

Game design fundamentals with Amazon Lumberyard
Burtons Media Group
July 31, 2018
An introduction to the game development pipeline using Amazon Lumberyard. Teaches 3D modeling, texturing, and game development.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, EdTech

Learning Mobile Application & Game Development with Corona SDK
Burtons Media Group
July 01, 2016
Introduction to Mobile Application & Game Development using the Corona SDK. Widely used textbook teaching the fundamentals of designing, programming, and publishing mobile applications.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Disruption, EdTech

Creating Cinema with Unity 3D
Burtons Media Group
January 01, 1970
Textbook on the process of developing cut scenes and film using Unity 3D Game Engine

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

2 Book Chapters
Creation of Knowledge and Student Engagement within Virtual Worlds.
Springer Publishing
July 01, 2013
Using 3D Virtual Environments for learning and teaching. Examines the process of knowledge creation and retention with student engagement.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Future of Work, Metaverse

Student engagement and the creation of knowledge within a 3D virtual learning environment
IGI Global Publishing
December 03, 2012
In Immersive Environments, Augmented Realities and Virtual Worlds: Assessing Future Trends in Education., Ed. S. D’Agustino

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, EdTech, Metaverse

4 Conference Publications
Immersive Extended Reality, the Metaversity, and the Future of Online Higher Education
Southwest Academy of Management
March 23, 2026
Exploring the use of immersive reality for online learning in business classes.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Metaverse

Broadening Experiential Professional Development Constructs through the Metaverse
ASIB Conference
March 13, 2023
The world has experienced a dramatic shift over the last several years resulting in a change in how people communicate and learn. In this paper, the authors seek to provide a roadmap to the future of how training and professional development will transition in the near future into the immersive reality of the Metaverse and gain a conceptual understanding of the significant dynamics as it relates to training and professional development.
To address deficits observed with existing professional development and training delivery strategies, the application of more constructive and experiential methods and modalities are needed. These approaches find meaningful manifestation for participants using immersive learning. This presentation examines the potential of the Metaverse to facilitate new strategies that offer a broader approach to facilitating the type of consistent learning flow needed for deeper levels of engagement and interaction while fostering meaningful, relevant outcomes at each level of professional development, particularly within the context of information systems technology. Using key strategies, such as online simulations, gamified learning, immersive environments, and other digital interactive instructional opportunities that broaden sensory and participatory engagement, organizations can leverage the principles of experiential learning to foster understanding and knowledge transference.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Future of Work, Metaverse

An examination of the outcomes of gamification when used in a university level classroom
American Educational Research Association
February 17, 2020
A research presentation on the impact of gamification in the university classroom.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, EdTech

The Second Generation of Teaching Mobile Computing: Practices and Pitfall
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
July 01, 2014
Reflections and lessons learned from teaching mobile application development.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, EdTech, Future of Work

1 Founder
Burtons Media Group
January 09, 2009
CEO of Burtons Media Group - a publisher for digital media; games, ebooks, etextbooks, videos, real-time CGI and more

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Lean Startup

3 Journal Publications
The Journal of Literacy & Technology - Guest Issue on Suddenly Online
The Journal of Literacy and Technology
September 29, 2020
Co-editor of special issue of The Journal of Literacy & Technology covering on Suddenly Online

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, EdTech, Future of Work

Learning in 3D virtual environments: Collaboration and knowledge spirals
Journal of Educational Computing Research
February 17, 2020
The purpose of this case study was to determine if learning occurred within a 3D virtual learning environment by determining if elements of collaboration and Nonaka and Takeuchi's (1995) knowledge spiral were present. A key portion of this research was the creation of a Virtual Learning Environment. This 3D VLE utilized the Torque Game Engine provided by Garage Games and a content pack created by BraveTree Productions, LLC. By creating this 3D didactic constructivist virtual environment, conversations were observed for collaborative and knowledge creation elements. Data for this mixed-design case study were gathered through three sources: the 3D virtual environment; a survey created by the researchers; and follow-up interviews. Findings revealed that the five forms of collaboration (Elementary Clarification, In-Depth Clarification, Inference, Judgment, and Application) amplified the knowledge creation process and indeed occurred within the virtual learning environment. It was also determined that all four modes for knowledge creation (socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization) were observed as well.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Innovation, EdTech

Knowledge creation and student engagement within 3D virtual worlds. International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality
International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality
January 09, 2017
Examined in this 3D Virtual World case study was undergraduate student engagement on a learning task and student creation of knowledge. After creating a 3D didactic constructivist virtual world, student conversations were recorded for analysis using Hara, Bonk, and Angeli’s (2000) engagement framework and Nonaka and Takeuchi’s (1995) knowledge creation theory. The five forms of student engagement augmented the learning process and a complete knowledge spiral was documented, emphasizing the use of the four modes of knowledge conversion. Though limited in time and scope, results further suggest that a highly engaged community of learners was created

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, EdTech, Metaverse

3 Media Interviews
Defining the Metaverse
Peggy Smedley Show
February 02, 2022
What is the metaverse today and what will the metaverse be in a couple of years: Peggy and Brian Burton, professor of digital entertainment technology, Abilene Christian University, discuss. He says today that looks like going into Second Life, which isn’t truly metaverse, but it encapsulates some of the concepts we will see in the metaverse as it comes to fruition.

Also discussed:

The history of edutainment and a reemergence in that area today.
Embodied cognition and how we believe we are in that environment.
If catfishing will be a concern in the metaverse—and how NFT and blockchain can help.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Metaverse

Top-ranked Game Design major
October 08, 2019
Television interview regarding the game design program that I founded and built being included in the top 50 undergraduate degree programs in the world for the last 4 years.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Innovation

ACU ranked top game design program in Texas
October 03, 2019
Television interview regarding the game design program that I founded and built being included in the top 50 undergraduate degree programs in the world for the last 4 years.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, EdTech

2 Panels
AWS Office Hours: Gamification
AWS Educate
April 22, 2020
Served as an expert panelist on the topic of gamification for K12 and higher education for the suddenly online transition

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Disruption, EdTech

Ethics in the digital age
Christian Scholar’s Conference
June 07, 2019
A business panel on the impact of technology on ethics and potential implications.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

2 Podcasts
Corona Geek
Corona Labs
November 16, 2016
A weekly podcast on developing mobile applications and games with Corona SDK from 2011 through 2016.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Mobility

Say Something Smart
Corona Labs
August 13, 2015
Hosts Angel Rodriguez, professional gamer and speaker, and Stephanie Whitlow, marketing producer for Reactuate Games, discuss in the ends and outs of gaming with various industry insiders and outsiders.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

3 Professors
Associate Professor of Digital Entertainment and Information Technology
Abilene Christian University
May 10, 2016
Founded, developed, and teach in the internationally ranked game design degree at ACU. Specializing in VR, WebXR, Real-time CGI, and Serious Games.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Innovation, Leadership

Department Chair/Assistant Professor of Computer Graphics & Programming/Computer Information Systems/Computer Science
Missouri State University - West Plains
December 14, 2007
Dept. Chair and co-founder of the Computer Graphics & Programming degree at Missouri State University - West Plains, one of the first game design programs in the USA.
Also taught Java, Game Design, Networking, C#, and Level Design.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Innovation, Leadership

Lecturer of Computer Information Systems
Missouri State University
December 01, 2004
Lecturer teaching Computer Information Systems - Intro to Computer Information Systems, Excel, Databases, Networking, COBOL, Management Information Systems, and Programming

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship

1 Speaking Engagement
How to deploy your VR app to the Oculus Quest
April 17, 2020
A 'live' tutorial on how to prepare your virtual reality application and sideload it onto the Oculus Quest or Oculus Go.
Presented at the Computer Simulation and Gaming Conference.

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Emerging Technology, EdTech

1 Video
Making Movies with Game Engies
CSGC Conference
April 18, 2020
A walkthrough of using the Unity game engine to create movies and animated sequences.
At the Unity Unite 2017 in Austin, Texas, Mathieu Muller presented an inspiring video where he created a simple film short in 30 minutes.
Since then Unity has changed a lot. This is a tutorial that updates the process in Unity for Unity 2019.2.
You can see the full blog post that goes into more detail on

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, EdTech

2 Webinars
Tips & tricks for the gamification of your class
AWS Educate
April 22, 2020
An introduction to gamification for those who are "suddenly online" and how to incorporate gamification into the classroom and online.
Includes a reflection on the future of online learning and where online education is headed.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Emerging Technology, EdTech

Mobile Application Development
Burtons Media Group
January 01, 2011
Multiple training and speaking events on how to create mobile applications.

See publication

Tags: EdTech, Emerging Technology, Mobility

Thinkers360 Credentials

11 Badges



1 Keynote
Online transition/gamification/learning in virtual environments

Location: USA, UK, NZ, AU, CA or Virtual    Fees: Negotiable

Service Type: Service Offered

Available as a speaker, panelist, or to provide a keynote in the areas of online transition, gamification, learning in virtual environments, mobile app development, and game design

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